The Imperfect Is Perfect

Here comes Spring,

I try to wring

From each inventive writing

To unveil treasures hidden

Or forgotten.

Too often,

I see imperfection

In all human relation.

Does it make sense

That in the longing

Lies the glory of intense feeling

Inside your silent body?

With the most invaluable magic

Ties not to satisfaction,

But to the engine that

Powers it,

The imperfect is perfect.

Writing is burning profession.

If the joy is not overlooked

and the audience gets hooked,

Then nothing shall be impacted

And sorted to a digression.

40 thoughts on “The Imperfect Is Perfect

  1. we are all a bunch of cracked jugs…we either worry about the cracks or be satisfied leaking on to the flowers and helping them grow. the imperfect is perfect. just like your poem…smiles.

  2. Life ripples on the sea
    On the rocky slope or sandy beach
    Imagine what it takes………….
    The magic in the eyes

    Imperfections what we are
    Learning to know; accept it as the truth
    Working on it to make it worthwhile
    The journey one takes in life

    You may want to change
    You may want others to challenge
    The way life make its journey
    Let it makes it easy the way it should be

    The drive to correct
    The imperfections wasted energy
    It is best to focus what good one could be
    Giving out words; reaching out touching hands

    Life is still great
    No matter what lies ahead
    Look at the positive flow
    Imperfections part of the gig

    p/s have a good day!

  3. Travellers we are, one and all.
    Toiushing poem, took me back to remnants of happiness and quiestions unanswered.

    Poetry is personal, writing a fire
    Without the desire
    What are we?

    Lovely Jingle!!

  4. hi Jingle, sorry to bother you, i need you to clarify one point related to the poet’s rally: am i supposed at this stage to give the award to twelve poets or just to post the thursday poem with one nomination .this point still looks hazy to me, would mind clarifying this please? another point if yoyu don’t mind: shall I nominate one poet from the this week’s group of participant or outside it ?

  5. ” imperfection
    In all human relation.”

    This does seem to be the way, as we make our way through the stars. Yet… the light of grace shines in each and from each of us, and we hope that with each step we get closer to the core of our origin of love.

    Writing a burning profession indeed, one I hope keeps ever blazing in you and the deepness you share!


  6. the imperfect is perfect! I love this line 🙂 No one or thing in life is perfect, which makes that person or thing perfect in his/her/its own right. 😉

    We keep each other posted 😉

    thanks for visiting and commenting! I love feedback.

  7. Thank you for stopping at my blog and your kind words. Seems you are in mastery poetry production! English is my second language too, so I understand the challenges on the way of a poet to bring her child to life. I congratulate you in your great achievement in creating this piece of art in such a perfection. With Blessing Serena

  8. Thank you for the encouraging words, Jingle! You are such a positive person.

    Unfortunately, I am not allowed to go outside and enjoy the coming spring. I am on complete bedrest, which means my doctors have told me I am only allowed to get out of bed to shower, use the bathroom, and go to doctor appointments. Tests have shown that I am at risk of delivering my twins way too early — if they come now, they will spend at least a month in the hospital in the neonatal intensive care unit before they are well enough to come home and be with us. I need to lay down in one place around the clock so they will stay in the womb as long as possible. Today marks 7 weeks that I have been having to stay in bed. It wears on me!

  9. Sorry to hear about that, Sunny.
    I know what u have been through, prayers…
    U R strong and have done awesome job so far.
    hope that u remain good condition until the babies are born and both u and the babies are healthy and good.

    Take good care
    and I appreciate your time
    visiting me tonight.

  10. I always thought that the imperfection makes us understand better the things that came in our lifes.We think that are perfects, but is not quite like that. Your new poem makes me think a lot at this. Thank you, my friend, again! 🙂
    Be happy and never forgot to keep smiling! 😉

    Enjoy your day! 🙂

  11. Well I totally agree with you on the point that imperfect is perfect. Perfection leaves the human mind with no scope of improvement which infact is the basis of anyone s life:self improvement. Life would have been worthless without our imperfections.

  12. So So true, I LOVE it :)…..if you are perfect then life would be boring, and you would have no goals, no reason to improve. As much as imperfection is frustrating I would never want to be perfect.Love the poem, awesome job 🙂

  13. Practical details like this one particular should be kept and maintained so I am going to fit this 1 on my bookmark list! Many thanks for this amazing submit and hoping to submit much more of this!

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