hyde park poetry poetry palace week 145, nutrition, wellness, and happy mood


lovely waterfall

international nutrition month in april, 2024…

fried dumplings,

shrimp fried rice

chicken drumsticks

vietnam pho noodles

poetry picnic week 101, november wind


a thanksgiving dish

Max and emillie Miller, Cleveland city , ohio state

as one of those holidays approach

the lady who sits in her cozy coach

becomes curious,

she washes dishes

she polishes the floors

she make a billion good wishes

and she dreams of nice beans next to a

amazing blue porch

hyde park poetry Thursday Poets Rally week 133, 134, 135, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey


_wisconsin, illinois., new york___________

||| michigan,

indiana ohio

missouri new jersey



fast speed


small path


left and right

you keep going,

you have goal to reach

which is what you get:

a map to fulfill

a gas stop to put off waste

a dairy queen to wonder

a Apple store to buy some drinks

short story slam week 210, future, farms, and free verse


a story is short,

a story is questioning others,

believe it or not,

a story trigs logical conclusions


a film is fair, free,

a film is full of soap plots,

once a movie screen is done,

it is time to climb “free verse” mountains


do you have plans for your future,

do you have fairyland castles behind a farm?

a free verse is composed,

the story teller feels fair and fine,

short story slam week 204, Halloween spirits 美国鬼节


a walking spirit could not be seen sometimes,

a speed of light could not be measured by human tools,

a poem is light

a poem is sweet without juicy water


Halloween is a way to make people wonder,

how do you do?

do you cherish a beloved one in your life?

do buy candies, and share with your nerghbors…