When It Is Time To Bite The Bullet

Everyone has one’s own personal mission statement. Feelings, affections, respect, honesty, trust, and values can never be imposed . It is impossible for one to force water run up hills. You know your dreams, desires, and needs.

When you get into relation crisis, you shall know that there are always two parties involved.

A positive, promising, happy relation or friendship may last for a period of time only.

It is possible that you are enjoying what you have so much in a current relation, you think that everything is perfect, you start to cook up huge plans for future closeness in your head, but the other person begins to cool off by ignoring, complaining, even verbal abusing your words or doings. You believe that if you work hard, prove your own innocence, and tolerate all wrong doings from the other person, things will get better. But you find yourself getting ever more negative feedback. What shall you do?

You must bite the bullet, and let go.

I will use WORDS to show you how:




Step Back,

See it in the third party’s eyes,

Send out orders for yourself to follow,

Surmount obstacles,

Say goodbye,

Sail on,

Surpass surmises from environments


Seek novel friendships or partners again.




Pull out,


Put priority into perspective and practice,

Perform by picking up pieces,

Push for healing,

Pass the pensive page,

Partake the prizes,


Pleased to explore pleasure in people again.


Both #1 and #2 say the same thing, you must stay calm when it comes to end your relations with your friends, your coworkers, or your colleagues, especially it is the other party who decides to leave you for good. Stalking, emailing, or phoning in attempting to remain connected are not going to work. It only makes the other party feel worse about you.

Make no mistakes, friends. Let go, never ever compromise or cost your dignity.   Protect your dignity, keep it and you are the winner. 😉

Always walk with your head holding high and proud. Move on and explore your new happiness when it is time to bite the bullet.


Hello, friend, how are  YOU today?

This post is about letting go if the other party in your relationship or friendships has made a decision to leave you, (marriage cases are excluded here please).  Hope that you share your reflections with me.

Today, I want to ask you a bizarre but important question:

Before you comment on Jingle or other people’s blogs, Do YOU read “About Me” first? thank YOU for the time, 😉 😉 ;).

30 thoughts on “When It Is Time To Bite The Bullet

  1. Very well written Jingle.
    What you said need to be told and thank you for doing so.
    People tend to get hurt by others all too easily.
    I was in many relationship like that and I do let go with such a bad feeling. I always cannot help buy feel quilty as if it was all my fault.
    Friendships can be so fragile.
    Honestly, I do keep a distant now.
    I still have good relationships with good friends of years but I do not want to get too close , if you get what I mean.

    You have a great weekend now, Jingle.

    I do read the “about me” . I like to know more about the writer.
    Some good “about me”s are enough to give you a full understanding of the author’s hope and give you a good preceptive of the author’s thoughts and opinions.Unfortunately not all “about me”s are that informative or well presented.


    1. Hello, Shakira:

      Very thoughtful comment.
      Of course, About Me does not say everything, the posts do a lot of extra job…

      I appreciate your time,
      take care and enjoy a neat weekend,

      hugs back,

  2. Interesting perception; I see a lot of sense in what you say – I think there is a lot of wisdom in that advice.
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. well this was fabulous, good afternoon sweet Jingle, your words of wisdom will not go unnoticed, many people will NOT let go and thats why the pain stays forever, let go, move on, be happy, within yourself, learn to love YOURSELF before you learn to love another, great post best yet xx

  4. Letting go and moving on, always challenging – good call J. As for the About Me – I usually like to read one entry then read the About Me. Sometimes it changes my perceptions when I reread their entry.

  5. It is so true you have to keep your head held high even in times of hurt. Before I follow blogs or really read them I try and find out who the person is. I may read their profile or their posts to see what kind of person they may be. Then I know who they are and usually find a way to relate myself to the person. Or I may have something in common with the person. Have a great weekend.

  6. Letting go is not something I’m very good at but know that it’s a means to an end. Very well written here Jingle, life is full of chance meetings. Some people you know straight away you’re not going to get on with, some people you click with. The trick is to know and learn from people, they may be able to teach you something invaluable 🙂

  7. If the choice is between the relationship dying or my soul then the relationship is gone a’ready. One, no matter how hard they try can not cling to water.

    Be Well

    1. Hello, Secret Agent Woman:

      I believe you are right,
      it is too complex to discuss marriage issues here,
      I welcome your honest feedback here, cheers, 😉

  8. Great Post as always, very positive and thoughtfully written. Yes, I read the ‘about me’ section, it’s not the first piece of a Blog I read, but I do get to it.
    Gerardine Baugh

  9. dear Jingle

    thanks for reposting this again and the thought process behind it.It is hard to believe so many opinionated people in this world have to get their point across but fail to listen to others? to me that is not the way it is, there is always TWO sides to a story and one is respected more when they can see the two points of view.
    Do not post harsh posts and expect people not to comment, be prepared for other points of view, and if you don’t like it, bite the bullet and say well everyone is entitled to their opinion even though I personally do not agree with it..

    Reading someones “read about me section” doesnt mean they are who they are, lets be honest we can say we are the pope and people would believe it, my profile says ” be who YOU are and not who everyone else wants you to be, have your own mind and do not be a glove puppet…

    great post dear..Happy Sunday 🙂

    1. what beautiful comments,
      your creative juice is smooth and cool this morning…

      I cannot agree with you more…

      be proud of your wisdom, William,
      cheers, 😉 😉

  10. I usually never have a problem with letting go or saying Good-bye.
    At least not in person.
    My brain is a different ballgame though.
    Oh well 🙂

    And no, I usually don’t read the ‘about’ page before commenting.

    1. That’s very sweet of you, Alina, 😉

      Since you are young and promising, you may never encounter such moments,
      but I am glad that you make an effort trying to understand my perspective…
      you are an uplifting angle to be around, 😉 😉

  11. If I don’t know the person, I always take the time to find something out about them–to see if we have some common ground I can refer to by way of introduction.


    I’m ready to rock (or roll), by the way!

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