Listen To Wisdom of Sages


Stand high and see far.


Suffer defeats when victory is within one’s grasp.


When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem——–Things will be easily settled when conditions are mature.


One tree does not make a forest, one person alone cannot accomplish much. (questionable one)


One log cannot prop up a tottering building, one person alone cannot save the world.


A boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back.


Good medicine cures sickness, similarly, unpalatable advice benefits conducts.


The One -Thousand-Mile journey is started by taking the first step.


It is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against arrow shot from hiding.


A centipede does not topple over even when dead.


Facts will eventually scotch rumors.


An error in the breadth of a single hair can lead you a thousand-mile astray.


Follow good advices as naturally as a river follows its course.


The spectators see the chess game better than the player, or the onlookers sees most of the game.


A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust one finds little support.


Nothing venture, nothing gain.


Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.


Read 10,000 volumes of books, travel 10,000 miles of distances.


Hello, how are you?

We learn our life lessons via our experiences most of the time, it takes time, it evokes pains and strong emotions, and it is costly. Don’t you think that sometimes we just have to relax, read books, read blogs, listen to news and watch a video to learn?

One of the best way of learning is to listen to wisdom of sages, or famous quotes from celebrities, I enjoy all of the PROBES above.

It tells me many things I would not know otherwise.


Today’s Question for YOU:

What is your favorite quote in life? Why?


You can pick one from above, or share one from your own experience, Thank YOU for the time!

Happy Happy Sunday, Friend! 🙂 :).