17 thoughts on “Thursday Poets’ Rally Perfect Poet Award (Week 5)

  1. What a great way to honor your friends who write wonderful poems. I am not one who can write a poem.. Thanks for stopping by my Round Robin. I hope you had fun. Have a great weekend.

  2. My dearest Jingle,

    How can I ever thank you enough
    for making my day brighter,
    just by your presence in the blogosphere!

    Thank you so much for the award.
    I am truly HONORED and HUMBLED.

    may all your days be a valentine!


  3. aawww…. Jingle, thanks so much for this honor.. congratulations to everyone as well… 🙂 i guess, we’ll all meet each other on Thursday then, or maybe even before that… 🙂 this makes blogging so much more fun… xoxo

  4. thanks for the award for week 5 what an honor. I would like to nominate drj3kyll an amazing poet in my estimation for the perfect poet award. If already chosen could I nominate Dustus (I know he’s new but amazing none-the-less)

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