83 thoughts on “Thursday Poets Rally Week 16 (April 29-May 5, 2010)

  1. dear jingle,
    thanks for the award. i am certainly in the rally.
    will let you know after putting up the post and completing my cute dozen. 🙂
    with lots of love.

  2. Hi Jingle yep count me in again as I am thoroughly enjoying this. Thought I would put Delores in as its creeping a few people out LOL


    As for my nomination its got to go to Moondustwrier for her contimued support of my work but if she doesnt put herself forward Im stuffed!!!

    Have posted the awards to my site and will now start checking out other writers….(think I’ve covered it all – you know what i’m like for instructions!!! LOL) cheers Pete

  3. I am in 🙂
    and GIRL NO u aint got no Canabis=Marijuana plant award LMAO……..You getting high off of our words or something??????????????

  4. Thank you so much for featuring me! Thank you so much. Support in the bloggy world means so much. Our words are like our children. They come from us and we love them, although not everybody appreciates them and accepts them.

    Thank you, Lisa 🙂

  5. Please include me. I looked up my 12 and commented on them on Tuesday! Ooops a bit early. Is that ok?

  6. I am not sure I understood this. If I need to participate I need to contribute a poem is it that way ? and what would be the theme for poem ?
    on other note you swapeed the blog name and blog url. My blog is not pointing to my blog url in above list.

    1. No obligations,
      if you wish to participate, post a poem in your own blog, free themes, free styles, visit 12 participants in my Rally list week 16, after you are done, comment to let me know…

  7. I will be taking part, unfortunately my mother is ill and I haven’t had much chance to comment. I will be commenting tomorrow. A nurse is coming in to relieve me so I have “me” time! Hoorah! I think you forgot about me 😦

  8. Hi! You can count me in this week as well. I want to apologize to those I have not responded to that have left comments on my blog. I had a major family crisis earlier in the week that has set me behind. I promise that I will get to each one of you in the next few days and I want to tell you how grateful I am that you took the time to not only visit my blog, but also leave a comment!


    Sarah Joyce Bryant

  9. Hi Ji & done..can I say yet again how enjoyable it is that you have set this up and given so many people the chance to share their work..well done

    I have a special page for awards on my blog now

    cheers Pete

  10. Due to backlogged work and outright fatigue I can’t put forth the effort I want when visiting and commenting. I simply cannot force myself to do a poor job when the people involved deserve no less than 110%.

    I’ll be back next week with poetic bells on. Pinkie swear.

  11. I am giving the poets rally a whirl this week jingle. I figure I post enough poetry over in my world anyway. I will try to work on visiting people.

  12. Hey Jingle 🙂
    I just finished my posts on 12 newbies. All were great. I had a bit of trouble with putting in my wordpress identity, but I managed to do it in different ways. So, I’m and want to stay active in Thursday Poet’s Rally 🙂 I already made my nomination last week and stick to it ;), here’s the link to my poem:


    PS Thanks for the new award…it’s a beautiful picture!

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