In Week 12+1, Are You The Perfect Poet?

The Perfect Poet Award Week 12+1

@Jingle’s Thursday Poets’ Rally week 13.

Congratulations! The following Thursday Poets’ Rally members have won the nomination for week 13 award, We have abundant nominations this week, Jingle intends to offer some encouragement to fresh participants while honor repeating participants.. This is Jingle’s finalized decision!

Week 13 winners

Brian (Accepted, ;))

Trisha (Accepted, ;))

Jaymie(Accepted, ;))

Viola(Accepted, ;))

Pravin nair(accepted, ;))

THE BEATY(accepted, 😉 )

Samanthayeh(Accepted, ;))


Kseverny(Accepted, ;))

Suzicate(Accepted, ;))

Ilovepink(Accepted, ;))


Michele Spector

V!shu(Accepted, ;))

Kiera O’Brien(Accepted, ;))

Rules to Accept the Award:

  • Put the logo on your blog in your next Thursday post.
  • Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
  • Tag Jingle to link back to Thursday Poets’ Rally Award Post.
  • Nominate One Previous Participants and U R done!

Criterion of the Nomination:

  • You must be A Thursday Poets Rally Participant for a minimum 1 week to be able to be nominated.
  • This award is given once a week by Jingle at  Jingle‘s blog.
  • Each week, Jingle will award those selected Rally participants nominated by previous week winners but finalized by Jingle.
  • If a winner rejects the award and gets nominated once again, Jingle has to withhold the nomination until the poet eventually accepts the previous award.
  • This award is initialized and created by Jingle at  Jingle.  All rights are reserved.
  • Winners of this award have the option to choose one of the logos available to post in their blog upon acceptance. If the winner does NOT follow the rule to post the winning logo and nominate a poet along with the post, Jingle will consider a rejection to the award. Jingle will be responsible for nominating additional award winning poets for the week . (If u reject the award, then u can NOT make claim of this honor in the future in your blog or at any other public occasions).

Check out Week 12 winners’ acceptance post here:



Brian Miller


Suzi:, done, )

Emmanuel Ibok



Poet Traveler

55-Her Name Is Kate (PG-13)

Cute little fingers
Hold a yellow fan,
Shiny and sunny,
What fun.
Her name is Kate,
She doesn’t blame her fate.
Born a girl
In a country
Where the society prefers a boy,
She swallows some stares
And strives to discover joy.
I have faith in her,
Because she is bright,
Everything will be alright.


Write a story or a poem that is fiction in 55 words. Give it a try and notify  G-man

This poem is inspired by Brian Miller at Brian with his 55-at the park (PG 13).

Brian portrays a troubled little girl at the park which raises questions about the impact of our society on children.

Jingle shows that life could be enjoyable and every child deserves to be fully loved regardless one’s living condition.


Her Name Is Kate

Jingle shares a photo of her niece, her sister’s daughter which is taken when she was 4.

jingle’s  55 is about Kate (Her true name is not revealed here), Jingle tries to show, on the other hand,  that a loving family is always essential for one to find happiness and love in life, regardless one’s race, gender, and background.

Family Fridays is hosted by Amy and The Petersons at

Amy@Keeping up with the Schultz Family


Peterson~St. Louis