The Butterfly Award for YOU

The Butterfly Award

Jingle made this award herself, the image is free from clip art,

In the past few weeks, Jingle is blessed with so many loving comments

and has been surrounded by so many open minded friends. Among them,

Brian Miller, Jamie Thorne and Viola are three special friends who are selfless and perfect

in commenting and touching many people’s lives. It saddens me that Viola does not feel well

at this moment,  Brian has been on a break and will be back within a week , I wish to thank them for their consistent love and wisdom shared with fellow bloggers via their blog posts and their beautiful comments. In addition, Jamie will have her Birthday this Friday, I wish to say: Happy birthday, Jamie! She is long time supporter of Thursday Poets’ Rally along with Brian.

Please Pay these three friends a visit today via commenting:

#1: Jaymie

#2: Viola

#3: Brian miller

The Butterfly Award goes to the above three friends and also goes to YOU, who are reading this post and decide to give  our precious friends on above list greetings via commenting to wish them well today!

Rules: Feel free to pass to 0-? friends!

The Outstanding Blogger Award

Created by Jingle, Please feel free to take and pass

to 0-? friends, this world needs love and encouragement.

Congratulations to the following 15 friends:

#1: William

#2: Jaymie

#3: Viola

#4: Brian miller

#5: 2a24

#6 Doraz

#7: Amy

7+: Amy

#8: Kathy

#9: Rajlakshmi

#10: Pat

#11: Megzone

#12: Alice Audrey

#12+: Suzicate


#15: Gerardinebaugh

The Honest Scrap Award

Alice Audrey gives me this award on March 29, 2010. See her link at:

Rules to Accept the Award:

  1. Thank the person giving you this award.
  2. Copy the award to your blog
  3. place a link to their blog
  4. Name 7 tidbits people don’t know about you from reading your blog.
  5. Nominate 10 Bloggers.
  6. Place a link to those Blogger.
  7. Leave a comment letting those Bloggers know about the award.

7 Things about Jingle:

  1. I am left handed
  2. I used to knit socks, mittens, sweaters, and etc. while in college.
  3. I prefer to drive and sightseeing the nature when I take family vacations.
  4. I love reading ever since I was seven years old.
  5. I like pizza.
  6. I barely watch TV nowadays.
  7. I was afraid of snakes, earthworms, eels, etc.

I am grateful for the honor Alice offered to me, thanks a lot, xxx

I pass The Honest Scrap award to the following friends:

Mama Zen



Jean Has Been Shopping






Corve DaCosta

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

😉 😉 😉

31 thoughts on “The Butterfly Award for YOU

  1. Oh my jingle, you have put sunshine into
    my heart on this Tuesday. These two awards,
    The Butterfly Award and Outstanding Blogger
    Award are gorgeous, and so special because
    you made them yourself. That makes me feel
    so blessed and honor to have you give them
    to me. I do thank you from the bottom of my
    heart. I love butterflies, they give me so much
    joy to watch them. I love flowers too. You know
    how much I love butterflies, thank you for

    Love Viola

    Things about Viola
    1. I love making people happy
    2. I will be 64 years old 5/5
    3. I like teaching my grandkids how to play soft ball
    4. I will be 64 years old on May 5th
    5. I have published poems and children book
    6. I taught Preschool ages 3 to 5
    7. I love going to church
    8. I used to have the main parts in all school and church plays growing up.
    9. I was a tomboy
    10. I protected my school mates from bullies

  2. Jingle, you are too much! Always giving giving giving! Thank you for yet another beautiful award. I am thrilled to have you as a friend.

  3. CONGRATS to you and ALL. I am sooo touched with the kindness and support we all give one another in our little community! May you all have a wonderful week. THANK YOU for passing this beautiful gift on to me. I appreciate your kindness everyday! 🙂

  4. Hello Jingle just got in from a visit with my brother-in-law and find these “Beautiful Awards”!!! Thanks so much for all you do Jingle and for making these pretty awards!!!! I’ll get around for visits soon 😀 😀

  5. Goodness J, you are so very kind. Thank you for the lovely awards and congratulations to all the other award winner. Actually, congratulations to everyone who is here to read your lovely blog. 🙂

  6. The Butterfly award is lovely. You did a great job on it. It’ll be a couple of weeks before I post any more awards, but I’ll certainly include these. Thank you.

  7. Just as you create beautiful thoughts and comments in the blogosphere, you now have now created beautiful awards. Well done and happy Tuesday!

  8. Congratulations to all.

    Jingle, this is a wonderful picture that you have created for the award. Its lovely. so is the one below. with pink flowers 🙂

    You truly rock sweet lady. 🙂

  9. I really love the awards you created and the meaning you gave them! Lovely.
    CONGRATULATIONS to all, from such a lovely person as you, to such awesome blogger friends. I am so proud of all of you!
    I am SO LATE in my awards’ nominations..
    Ji, just so you know, I have been awfully busy , managed to settle some chores this week.. until next week to finish off some other stuffs too.
    I love you, unconditionally.

  10. Jingle, I am not sure where I go to post this but I would like to nominate Shakira for the thursday-poets-rally-week-11-the-perfect-poet-award.
    Thanks Viola

  11. I followed your linkk to Viola but when I got there I could not find any comment box. Please help me on this and then I can go back and re-visit Viola and leave my comment there 🙂

    Poet Traveler

  12. I have visited Viola (see previous comment above, asking for help)

    and visited Jaymie, wishing her Happy Birthday

    and visited Brian.



    1. cool,

      please take the butterfly award and share with anyone with love.
      this award is Jingle’s symbol award…
      I appreciate your open mind and kind heart!

      Sweet Dreams tonight!

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