Happy Award

Happy Award 😉 😉 😉

Amy @ Happily ever after (Pink Amy) is generous enough to offer me one of the awards she received recently.  Amy is an enthusiastic and passionate blogger, she is quick at compliments and is capable of doing amazing jobs at home decorations such as painting …I am blessed to get to know Amy as an open minded and friendly blogger. She has a beautiful family and her blog is CUTE to visit.

Rules to accept the award:

1: Link to the person who gave it to you,

2. List 10 things that make you happy,

3. Pass it on to 10 happy bloggers.

4. Notify the nominees about this Happy Award.

Ten (10) Things that make me happy:

1: Reading

2: Writing

3: Music

4: Friends

5: Kids

6: Teaching

7: Traveling

8: Play math games

9: Sharing

10: Caring

Thank U, Amy.  I am pleased to pass this award to 10 Happy Blogger below!

(PS: there are so many happy blogs, I wish I could nominate all of U, if U have fabulous award, then I skip U)

Jaymie, Jamie Thorne’s Personal Musings

brian miller thewaystation

PoetTraveler Reaching for my pen

Doraz Believe in yourself

THE BEATY JP’s Comics and Stuff

lily Adventure of Military family of 8

poetryperspectives Poetry Perspective’s Blog

art Whines and Roses

jruthkelly J. Ruth Kelly’s Blog

Corve DaCosta Corve’s Blog

Happy Valentine’s Day to U all! 😉 😉 😉

15 thoughts on “Happy Award

  1. hee hee heee so funny, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

    I am so glad you got this award, you always make me happy 😉 I will tell you my funny story later why I didn’t send it to you, i am so glad someone did yay 😉


  2. Hi Jingle!
    Thank you for this award!

    I’ll be happy if you’ll be back. 😉

    Happy Sunday!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Kung Hei Fat Choi! ♥♥

  3. Wow! – I am deeply honored by this Happy Award 🙂 and even more honored to be sharing it with others, including the beautiful names shown on your list. I am giving you a big *HUG* 😉 dear jingle and deep thanks for what you and all the others are doing for our happy UNITY and to help bring us all together. 😀

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