The Perfect Poet Award Week 15 Announcement

The Perfect Poet Award

Week 15  (logo 1)

The Perfect Poet Award

Week 15 (logo 2)

@Jingle’s Thursday Poets’ Rally week 15.

Congratulations! The following Thursday Poets’ Rally members have won the nomination for week 14 award, Believe Me, All of you have been perfect this week, but we only nominate 12 to 15 poets, Jingle intends to offer some encouragement to fresh participants while honor repeating participants.. This is Jingle’s finalized decision!

Week 15 winners











Poet Traveler


~things i’ll never say~

Mama Zen

Jingle (Moondai, thank you! ;))

Special Note:

Jingle’s feelings was hurt when a particular poet refuses to accept the award, at times, she only requires the winner to nominate another poet for next week, unfortunately, some previous winners could not even be able to meet one of the requirements to nominate a fellow poet, which is the major reason that, Jingle offers this special award to those who are more willing to follow the rules and treasure this as a great honor…if a poet feels that getting this award is a burden, then Jingle loses fun of doing so. No obligations, but if a poet is nominated again but rejected the award previously, there are perfect reason that the award is given to another poet instead,  unless the winner changes her/his attitude on this manner. Sorry. Jingle works hard, hoping to bring encouragement and joy to all of you, if it is not the case, she has to make decisions…

Most of winners have accepted this award with gratitude and honor. Jingle appreciate it. xxx

Rules to Accept the Award:

  • Put the logo on your blog in your next Thursday Poets Rally  post.
  • Post a poem (or a Haiku) under the logo.
  • Tag Jingle to link back to Thursday Poets’ Rally Award Post.
  • Nominate One Previous Participants under your post and U R done!

Criterion of the Nomination:

  • You must be A Thursday Poets Rally Participant for a minimum 1 week to be able to be nominated.
  • This award is given once a week by Jingle at  Jingle‘s blog.
  • Each week, Jingle will award those Rally participants nominated by previous week winners but finalized by Jingle.
  • If a winner rejects the award and gets nominated once again, Jingle has to withhold the nomination until the poet eventually accepts the previous award.
  • This award is initialized and created by Jingle at  Jingle.
  • Winners of this award have the option to choose one of the logos available to post in their blog upon acceptance. If the winner does NOT follow the rule to post the winning logo and nominate a poet along with the post, Jingle will consider a rejection to the award. Jingle will be responsible for nominating additional award winning poets for the week . (If u reject the award, then u can NOT make claim of this honor in the future in your blog or at any other public occasions).

34 thoughts on “The Perfect Poet Award Week 15 Announcement

  1. I’, sorry for not posting awards sometimes very absentminded when it comes to that stuff. Once again I appologize and try to do better at awards

  2. I find myself so impressed by all the poets you mention that I have a very hard time choosing a favorite 😦 I hope this doesn’t make you unhappy as I only want you to be happy because that’s the way you always make me feel…happy ♥

  3. Hi Jingle and thank you very much for the award. I have only been doing this for two weeks, i didnt realise i was meant to nominate someone, i am absolutely awful at reading instructions!!!!. Likewise with regard to the awards i didnt realise i was meant to post them on my site either!!!! I hope my nievity hasnt offended?
    Thanks again however for the awards & have a great day Pete

  4. you may have noticed that the previous comment is for the earth day post. sorry for mistaking the comment area.

    congrats to the nominees.well deserved awards.

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! I have read most of you this week, and I will go read the rest right now.

    Jingle, my dear, I want to add a special thanks to you, for this rally. In the rest of my life I am a person with big responsibilities to organize, so I have some idea of how hard you work to create this poetry community. And I know you do this simply for love of language, and those of us who are trying new ways to explore it. For me, it is a thrill that when I am here for the rally I just have to write and, for a few hours, be a poet. And because of you I am a poet that people read. This week was a 2-day personal best for me for number of readers on Wednesday and Thursday. And some readers even leave comments, cool comments, which is so encouraging and validating. And when I do win awards they are posted, although I am a bit shy to do it, because they are a lovely reminder that I am part of this whole community.

    Best to you all, and I look forward to reading you next week in Rally 16!
    mm (aka mairmusic) (aka celebrating a year)

  6. Very pretty awards. Congrats to all. And thanks to Jingle for all of her hard work. Just wanted to pop by and say happy weekend before I go out of town.

  7. Well…I hope that you all understand that you are a very talented bunch of writers and I hope you all continue to have fun with your words. 🙂

  8. Jingle! You so so much great work, and bring all the wonderful poets together, and let the new ones get exposure.

    I appreciate you SO MUCH! More than you will ever know.

    Please forgive me if I have ever not published an award you gifted me with, or if my award or nomination behavior has disappointed you. Please know that I would never intentionally forget these things. I have SO much going on I cannot keep up with all these days, I feel. But I do try. I really do!


  9. Thank you for the award!! I don’t understand when I have to post the logo though, can’t I just do it now? And do I title the post Thursday Poet’s Rally or The Perfect Award Week 15? Also how do I tag you? Sorry for all the questions, but it’s my first award and I’m just not sure of how to do it right. I already know who I want to propose for next week, that too has to go under the post with the logo right? Hope to hear back from you Jingle.

    Thanks 🙂

  10. dear jingle,
    thanks for this adorable, cherished honour. thanks to both of you rahim and you.

    you are awesome, from every angle. keep shining like sun. you illuminate our little circle.

    with lots of love.

  11. Thank you for your praise. I’m not sure I quite understand the process, but I look forward to the reading everyone’s fine work.

  12. JI I am guilty of forgetting to nominate dear I am bad at remembering, can u please remind me each week and off course I accept all honours u give me because I know what work u do for this community, I never knew u had to post the badge, be assured it will be posted next weelkand remind me of nominating a poet..

  13. Hhey Jingle,

    don’t be hurt!Im sure all of us (I mean me n all the other poets) wont do anything deliberate to hurt u..whoever the poet was, he/she mustve been hard pressed for time…I’m sure all peopl love u Jingle!

    So pls dont be hurt n carry on the good work!

  14. Sorry for the delay, I have been very busy…I accept but I did forget to nominate last week, I think…If so I do applogize….I would never do it intentionally!

  15. @Jingle’s Thursday Poets’ Rally week 15.

    Hi Jingle, thank you deeply for the honor and I am so very glad to receive the Perfect Poet Award and to be sharing this wih all of the very talented names on the above list. It is a very great honor and a deep privilege. Thank you so much. My heart is filled with your kindness and the kindness of others.

    I would also like to say that although there may occasionally be moments when you feel hurt because a Poet does not accept the award, I want you to know that 99.99% of your excellent Award scheme is working beautifully and you have done so much to encourage, inspire, unite and strengthen the bond between so many of us. You are an exceedingly kind, caring, dedicated, committed, diligent, supporter and administrator of this amazing and beautiful Awards system that reaches out to all poets and writers, whatever their level of experience and success is.

    It is an exceptionally marvelous encouragement to new poets and it bonds all of us, as we try to help each other and to recognise talent and commitment, perseverance, originality, as well as general helpfulness towards each other, as writers and poets and good friends in this wonderful community.

    YOU make so much of this possible, through your unceasingly cheerful and continuous efforts and hard work, and through your applied wisdom in all of your diverse and beautiful posts and comments.

    Thank YOU, dear Jingle! 🙂

    Poet Traveler
    assure you that your scheme is an outstanding success

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