Wow, You Are A Celebrate Blogger on…(Award for March)

Congratulation, The following blogging friends have won

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Art or Painting Honorable Mention Award: (1 vote)

Thom, Kumi, Kuhpi nights, Dennis the dog, Terri, Writing in Faith, Jean Has Been Shopping, Alina, Trisha, A daily doodle, Landscape Paintings, Carol Nelson Fine Art, Different Stokes from Different folks, L. Gruger Art and Travels, Painting Small Impressions, Sam Hiti, Confessions of A Dangerous Mind, Jingle, Shakira, Pat the flower, WordPress, Rhythm of the Light, Poet Traveler, Kiera O’Brien, Chole, Bearman Cartoons, Art Pearls, Art work from Hendaye, David trip, Linda Halcomb’s Blog.

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Art or Painting Award

has the following ( 17)winners:

Adam, Leslie, and Kseveny’s Blog (each 5votes)

Jannie Funster and Carol King (each 3 votes)

Pencil Scribble, Inkbox Illustrations, Debie’s Art, Vishu, Fuck Yeah, Purple Hatter, A Painting A Day,Francis Jong, Asmalltowndad, Amy, JP the Beaty, Noha (each 2 votes)

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Humor Honorable Mention Award

has the following winners (each has 1 vote):

Thom, Comedy Plus, Mama Zen, Sheila, Hoot’ Anni’, Stony river, Megzone, Realliveman,Beth Parker’s Art Blog, ImagineBetter, Life with Dogs, Bodhidharma Father of Zen, Pravin nair, Vishu, Suzi, Layne, Jean Has Been Shopping, Dennis the dog, Kathy, Amy at Keeping up…, Jamie, Kumi, Anya, Who, Bananaz, Otto, Sydni.

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Humor Award

has the following 12 winners:

Doraz (8 votes)

Shakira (5 votes)

Brian Miller and Jingle (Each 4 votes)

Laugh Hard and Robin  (each 3 votes)

William, Alina, Pinklady, Shoelessboywonder,

Laughter,and Making your wishes come true (Each 2 votes)

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Honorable Mention Award

has the following winners (each has 1 vote):

Viola, Willow, Passionate Fiction, Hadassah, Helen, Kunal Kava’s Blog, JP, This is not what I meant at all,Cher, Megzone, Tony, Element22, Vishu, Anna, Carol, Jannie Funster, Shadow, Corve, Kseverny, Kuhpi nights, Beyond the blog, Pete Marchall, Direkt Dilze, Gina, fiveloaf, Sheri, Susan Helene Gottfried, Ann Piao, Kristi, zuzana, cleanandcrazy, Joanny, Ladyfi, Star, Susie, Alice Audrey, David Rheins, Breetsuts.

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Runner-up Award

has the following winners :

She Writes, Gerardine, Collin, Pamela, Wordwand, Doraz, Pat the flower, Kiera O’Brien (Each has 3 votes)

Otin, G-Man, Sandra, Alina, Felicilas, Kathy, Nessa, Ishabelle, Jingle (each has 2 votes)

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Award

(logo 1)

The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Award

(logo 2)

has the following winners:

William (12 votes)

Brian Miller (10 votes)

Beth the doubtfulpoet (7 votes)

Poet Traveler and Shakira  (each 6 votes)

Trisha and Suzi (each 4 votes)


Finally, Jingle is sorry for being unable to find time tagging everyone above, but Please feel free to take the awards and enjoy or share with your friends.

Everyone who has given comments under this post

will get The Celebrate Blogger of March In Humor, Art or Painting, or Short Story Writing YOU Are A Super StarAward:

You Are a Super Star Award (for everyone, not limited to the list)






Kiera O’Brien




Poet Traveler

Jean Has Been Shopping



The Graphic Bee










Dennis the Vizsla







dianne gross-giese


Alice Audrey

Gerardine Baugh

Hootin’ Anni



Beth Parker




Corve DaCosta





Friends Are Special

I Can Be Funny 2

Please feel free to take  the last three tags if you like them,

Happy Tuesday!

😉 😉 😉

49 thoughts on “Wow, You Are A Celebrate Blogger on…(Award for March)

  1. awe ji, wow, you work very hard I have had trouble with my commenting system, had to change it again, but had to visit u, imagine a day going by without me visiting you? lol u are the best THANK YOU friends to each and every one of you who took the time to vote for me, u know I adore all of you, this just is the icing on the cake, jingle, will collect my awards tomorrow, u rock xxx

  2. I would like to say thank you to whoever voted for me on the short story award that was very kind of you. Jingle thank you so much for making “The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Honorable Mention Award.” It is beautiful.

  3. Jingle….
    You are very organized and you have such a great blog. You are sooo nice to recognize everyone for their talents. I want to say CONGRATS to one and all for the marvelous work you do to make us all smile when we visit you. I want to also thank all of you who voted for me. I am blushing…not really! lol 🙂 I hope we all continue to have fun and laughter…every day! Have a great rest of the week! 🙂

  4. Yes I also appreciate everyone who voted for me,thanks.”Happy Tuesday Jingle”! The awards are all so ‘beautiful”!!! You did a “Fantastic Job”!!!! Thanks so very much for all you do Jingle!!!! Love you much 😀 😀

  5. Hi Ji! You know im such a big fan of your awards system! So much hardwork, i can imagine! But it is so very effective in putting a smile on my face. thank you so much! I appreciate all these.

    Congratulations to other winners ❤

  6. Wow you are so busy with all your awards! I’m impressed and honored that you choose to recognize me so often ♥ Love you Ji! Thank you! Congrats to all the winners 😀

  7. Happy to have participated in this even happier to receive my first award EVER!! So thanks Jingle 🙂 and congrats to my fellow bloggers as well.


  8. First and foremost, I REALLY LIKE THIS NEW BLOG LOOK!
    It looks so SPACIOUS and very organized. Well done, Ji!

    As you know, I have a new blog that I can do whatever I want for awards show….YEAH! So… I cannot wait to show them off… link them up once I find some time soonest.

    I truly appreciate your PASSION,DEDICATION and ZEALOUSNESS in your quest and I am so thrilled to be part of it all.

    Thank you so much to ALL WHO NOMINATED me, I am extremely humbled and truly honored. Love you all!

    I love you so much, Jingle!

  9. dear, sweet jingle,
    a big hug for you and those FOUR angels who nominated me for short story writing 🙂
    you all are really awesome. you are the most beautiful friends one can ever have.
    prizes packed up. 🙂 am planning to do something with them. every one will know when i do it.
    with lots of love.

  10. Wow, Ji, you’ve really made me feel honored!!! Thank you so much for the humor honorable mention award and the ‘super star’ award. You my friend, are so caring and giving!!!

    Thank you again.

  11. thank you for whomever voted for me. That was very nice indeed. Thanks Jingle for making these special awards.

  12. Thank You Jingle for your Awards I put a little note on my blog today for you.

    Nice awards honoring creativity how wonderful congratulations for all the wonderfully creative bloggers!

    1. it focus on short story, humor, and art,
      thus many poets not included in the list,
      wish I have time to notify everyone..

      watch this out next month…
      you kid soul!

  13. Wow! You have spent a lot of time making sure everyone is given recognition. You are very nice to be doing this. I keep wandering in and out, depending on my computer and if my connection permits. How do you keep up? And you also keep a positive attitude throughout. I send congratulations to you for everything you have done. I thank you for the awards. I will post them on my Blog.
    Gerardine Baugh

  14. The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Honorable Mention Award – hi & thanks for the award, I’m glad this series is being liked especially as its so close to me cheers Pete

  15. hank you deeply Ji and all friends and fellow poets & writers. 🙂

    I am very glad and happy and grateful to receive the
    The Most Friendly Poet Award &
    The Most Diligent Poet Award.

    and to share these honors with all the friends shown on the list.

    How wonderful of this is! 🙂

    I’m also honored and proud to receive and to share the

    The Celebrate Blogger of March In Short Story Writing Award given to me at

    These Awards are wonderful! 🙂

    Thank you Ji and all who voted for me. I am glad to be a poet and to share in all the recognition and happiness that being involved with you and all the other poets brings. 🙂

    Poet Traveler

    (logo 1)

    Poet Traveler

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