Sunday 160-I Wonder When She Ever Learns

I wonder when she ever learns

Not to spill beans…

She truly understands what my message means,

But cannot help herself,

Then one day she turned into an elf.

What can you say in 160 characters? (Spaces included)

Check it out on  Monkey Man.

This is linked to Poetry Pantry and Lots of Laughter (Spill)

30 thoughts on “Sunday 160-I Wonder When She Ever Learns

    1. I try to make an ending word rhyme with word “herself”, thus make up the word elf…
      it is simply a choice to make the poem rhyme, meanwhile, i need humor, here it goes!

  1. Charming, Jingle. So telling secrets will make you turn into an elf? i’ll have to remember that.

    (I had a little trouble seeing the pink pint. Might be my monitor though.)

      1. and confidential can really be secrets and are often mean
        for using other people until she is ready to scream.

        the message can be confusing if one is not a linear thinker
        and is left all alone, to wave her magic wand and tinker.

        just a little humor for you.

  2. heheh…this was super cute! And I think like this about some of my REAL close friends too.. 😉 .. mischievous and awesome, both at the same time!
    Enjoyed this fun poem, Jingle… a smart 160!!! 😀

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