Easter Sunday Awards To Fill Your Basket

Blogger Buddy Award

Mischief Maker Award

You Deserve A Star Award

The Sunshine Award

1. http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com/awards/blogger-buddy-award/

2. http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com/awards/mischief-maker/

3. http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com/awards/star-award/

4. http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com/awards/sunshine-award/

Trisha has showered me the above awards, how cool she is! She is such an excellent poet

and a beautiful blogging friends. I am honored and humbled, xxx

The Outstanding Blogger Award

The Butterfly Award

Amy gives awards as Easter Party Time basket Treats, what beautiful idea! Jingle pick these two awards .

Thank You, Amy,  for your high wit, superb intelligence, and fun spirits. xxx


The Honest Blogger Award

from Dudo at DuDo, a new blogging friend, who visits when he is free and writes awesome posts…

Thank YOU, Dudo, you are so very kind and honest. xxx



Pass any of the above awards to 0-12 friends…

Jingle loves all her visitors including those who does not comment, she wishes YOU all
a Happy Easter Hunting…Please feel free to take the Easter Baskets from above and fill
it with any of the posted awards today or take all of them…Enjoy your treat!
You Rock!

Awards On The Sunshine, Blogger Buddy, And More…

Award From Purple Hatter (blogger under 18 not to visit him please) , who enjoys friendships and has fun making awards to share.


Thank U, gentle man, I feel so indebted to your thoughtfulness and encouragement. xx

I would like to pass this award to:

#1:  Amy Keeping up with…

#2:  brian miller

#3: JamericanSpice

#4: justmeshakira

#5:  2a24

#6: megzone

#7: Jaymie

#8: Beth

9: Laugh Hard

#10: Angelia Sims

#11: Viola

#12: Moe

Another  Award from PURPLE HATTER,


Thank U once again for the beautiful award, xx.

I would like to pass this to (No rules):

#1: william

#2: Jaymie

#3:  nanno1982

#4: wordwand

#5: breastswildasblkwaves

#6: pttyann

#7: Anya

#8: adam

#9: doubtfulpoet

#10: ishabelle

#11: gina

#12: Cheryl McNulty

The 15th sunshine from fiveloaf:  http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2010/02/10/sunshine-award/

Fiveloaf is twice  the Thursday Poets’ Rally Perfect Poet Award Winner,  he always does his dues timely and an active member of Jingle’s Thursday Poets’ Rally.

Thank U, fiveloaf, I enjoyed your sunshine today and feel grateful for being able to pass this on to other bloggers who need sunshine., xx.

Rules to Accept the Award:

  • Put the logo on your blog in your post.
  • Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.

My 12 nominees are:

#1: Rajlakshmi

#2: lazfreedman

#3: jonolan

#4: trisha

#5: moondai


#7: azfree

#8: archytekt

#9: shraddha

#10: Pilar

#11: red

#12: gina

Blogger Buddy Award

From megzone


Megzone is a talented poet who enjoy writing love poems from both guys’ and lady’s’ perspectives. She is fresh in our Thursday Poets’ Rally and has added much excitement and joy to all of us by her sweetness, kindness, and outreach to other poets.

I feel thankful for receiving this the 2nd time, I am humbled, xx.

This needs to pass to 10 friends of my choice as following:

#1: JamericanSpice

#2: Amy Happily Ever After

#3: kseverny

#4: Yousei Hime

#5: secret agent woman

#6: Dennis the Vizsla

#7: anthonynorth

#8: trisha

#9: PoetTraveler

#10: Jean Has Been Shopping

The Spot Light Award And More ;)

Sunshine from Whines and Roses: http://whinesandroses.wordpress.com/2010/02/09/its-a-sunny-day/ (my 13th), thank U, art! I appreciate your kindness, xx.

Rules to Accept the Award:

  • Put the logo on your blog in your post.
  • Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.

Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award

From fiveloaf at http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2010/02/17/blogtastic-special-friends-award-2010/

Thank U, fiveloaf. I am grateful for your hard work and friendship, xx.

The Rules for accepting this award are:

  1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
  2. Pass the award onto 7 bloggers who are special to your blogging experiences
  3. Link the nominees within your post.
  4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Nominated by Noha at;


thank U, Noha. I admire your warm heart and diligence in making our Rally a perfect place. xx

Rules to accept this award:

  1. List 5 things that make you happy.
  2. Try to do at least one of them each day.
  3. List 5 bloggers who brighten your day, let them know you have the award and will pass to them.
  4. link back to the person who give you this award.

5 Things That Make Jingle Happy:

1. Reading and writing

2. Blogging

3. Shopping

4. Taking a walk outdoor

5. Finding ways to inspire people like U.

Happy Award

Link at : http://poetryperspectives.wordpress.com/

Thank U so very much for the return of happiness. I am honored and humbled. xx

Rules to accept the award:

Rules to accept the award:

1: Link to the person who gave it to you,

2. List 10 things that make you happy,

3. Pass it on to 10 happy bloggers.

4. Notify the nominees about this Happy Award.

Ten (10) Things that make me happy:

1: Reading

2: Writing

3: Music

4: Friends

5: Kids

6: Teaching

7: Traveling

8: Play math games

9: Sharing

10: Caring


From Sandra, see link: http://viewsandrasworld.wordpress.com/2010/02/18/the-spotlight-award/

Thank U so much for the lovely award, Sandra. I am honored, xx.

Rules, simple pass it to three (3) cute or beautiful blogger and let them know by commenting.

Howdy! I love all of U and it breaks my heart to let any one of U down or feed U an award U would prefer something else. Thus, Jingle will distribute these awards to U, offering U an option to pick one of your favorites. It does not matter which is which, U R loved and valued. Agree?

awards so that U smile. If U R Happy, then I Am Happy! I love U too much to let U go…

Thus here is the math:

Sunshine 12

Special Blogging Friends 7

Circle of Friends 5

Happy Award 10

Spot Light Award 3

12+7 +5+10+3=37, I nominate 37 and please choose ONE and only ONE of the above to accept and pass on following the rules to each award. Have FUN. Thank U, 😉 😉 ;).

Please claim and pass the love on:

#1: justmeshakira

#2: Jaymie

#3: brian miller

#4: william

#5: 2a24

#6: Doraz

#7: CottageGirl

#8: Jannie Funster

#9: blissbait

#10: Sandra

#11: Beth

#12: Pamela

#12+1: Sam

#14: ishabelle

#15: Yousei Hime

#16: doubtfulpoet

#17: drj3kyll

#18: fiveloaf

#19: poetryperspectives


#21: kseverny

#22: Gerardine Baugh

#23: Amy

#24: Pink Links

#25: lynne

#26: thisrainykitten

#27: secret agent woman

#28: nanno1982

#29: Sunny

#30: Mama Zen

#31: sunshineonthesewertop

#32: pttyann

#33: dusty

#34: taylorprescott

#35: Julie

#36: JM

#37: She Writes

PS: order does not matter, please pick one and enjoy, pass the love to your friends. 🙂 🙂 😉

Sunshine Award (6th-12th)


Wow, Hi, How R U?

I am such a lucky person, I did not do much for others, but these wonderful people pile me with honors and flowers…..I am still hot under this sunshine, which is beautiful, cute, and fun. Yet I need to be fair to those who have the heart to toss this flower my way. I must share my friends with U all and pass this to those who fully deserve it and may need it.

The following six (6) blogger have nominated me for sunshine award:

7th sunshine from sparrowsong, awesome poetry blog, read it and u become smarter…


8th sunshine from J. Ruth Kelly’s Blog, a blog filled with humor, wit, and joy.


9th sunshine  from Laugh Hard great blog for a laughter, cool stuff.


10th sunshine  from Datsme, she is new but full of beautiful thoughts and inspirational poems.


11th sunshine from JP the Beaty, comic that are witty and fun, poems are fresh and beautiful.


12th sunshine from The “Good” Doctor, high intelligence, smart poems and uplifting notes. http://drj3kyll.wordpress.com/2010/02/08/sunshine-and-super-bowl/

Thank U for your kindness, I appreciate it very much!  😉 😉 😉

Rules to Accept the Award:

  • Put the logo on your blog in your post.
  • Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Here is What Jingle Did: It is difficult to choose, everyone is cool and full of love out there,  I wish I could list all of U. Since I have six blogger nominated me, thus for each award, I pass to 12 each, thus 12 times 6 is 72, which is impossible!  Sorry, I have to cut it in half, I am doing 72 divide by 2=36, skipping 13th, thus 36=37-1=12X3=6X6, beautiful math, right?

The end number is 37, so 10=3+7, perfect!

Here is my nominees for my 6th-12th sunshine award nominations. (3 more in stock yet)

#1:  goodgirl A So Called Good Girl’s Input On Anything

#2: rebelliousangel Rebellious angel

#3: jamiemacnab Jamie MacNab’s blog

#4: Jan Freeman Jan Freeman’s Wonderings-Let Nature Be Your Guide

#5: Sam Views

#6: Lindsey Petersen: http://5kidswdisabilities.wordpress.com

#7: Mark William Jackson Mark William Jackson

#8: denindodutacipta

#9: poetryperspectives Poetry Perspective’s Blog

#10: critiqaltheory

#11: Reader Wil

#12: sunshineonthesewertop City of trees

#13: ——————–No award unless U want it…

#14: patrice berry at http://pdotberry.wordpress.com

#15: goatgirlbookworm

#16: Half Pint The Pint’s Half Full

#17: Brian Truth is freedom

#18: Jean Has Been Shopping Jean Has been shopping

#19: me Decomondo

#20: Happysurfer From Where I am

#21: suzicate The Water Witch’s Daughter

#22:Imperfect Stepford

#23: corbeaurouge

#24: inspiredsyntax Inspired Dsyntax’s Blog

#25: gypsy

#26:  Tacy Fashionspeaks

#27: gman1212 Inspiration Blog

#28: Julie

#29: Anna Cork

#30: Bryan Borland

#31: kirkschwarz Kirk Schwarz’s blog

#32: yanangski coffee cup adventures

#33: R L Burns the white rose

#34: Tammy The windows of the soul

#35: Renee Khan circling my head

#36: Heather Kephart Happy Making

#37: Tu sais que

very special friends: thisrainykitten

David Rheins

and scientificwords


Sunshine Award


Wow, Hi, How R U?

I am sweating with this sunshine award, so far 8 nominations come my way, I must cool off by letting some heat out of my space…whew, I am overwhelmed, 10Q for letting me taking a shower by giving away some more of this hot hot flower! 😉 😉 ;).

Here I am presenting the 4th, 5th, 6th sunshine award  nominations right now! (2 more nominees to go next time)

Some sunshine From a gifted poet kseverny who cares and shares deeply


Some  sunshine from a fresh voice in poetry artiste7 who stretches his mind in reaching out


Some sunshine from Pat the cute Flower pttyann who brings delightful joy to all


Rules to Accept the Award:

  • Put the logo on your blog in your post.
  • Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Here is What Jingle Did: It is difficult to choose, everyone is cool and full of love out there,  I wish I could list all of U. Since I have three blogger nominated me, thus for each award, I pass to 12 plus 2 extra, now 3 X 14=42, Thus I am doing 42!

I could NOT simple pass to those who are with me currently, I must think about those who are else where but truly need some sunshine. 10Q for your support!

My 14+14+14=42 nominees:

#1: Amy Keeping Up With the Schultz Family

#2: Funny Is My Middle Name: http://justmeshakirack1.blogspot.com/

#3: Caring Is Not Only Sharing: http://www.reanaclaire.com/

#4: My journey home: http://pttyann-pttyann.blogspot.com/

#5: taylorprescott Ramblings of a Ghost

#6: littlepieces2009life’s little pieces

#7: Mother Nature: http://nicoleb.org/b2/index.php/nature/

#8: jessiecarty 58 Inches

#9: sheila That means my crazy life in French

#10: Cherise MakeMe

#11: Sandra Sandra’s world

#12: diaryfromscotland Diary from Scotland

#13:———Not suitable unless U want this position…

#14: Poetikat Poetikat’s Invisible Keepsakes

#15: thtplc Area of delayed decay

#16: Judi Cranberry Blossom

#17: Mami Made It Mami Made it

#18: Julia @ Easy Eco To Go Easy Eco To Go.com

#19: Keli How To Maintain Sanity Over Everyday Stupidity

#20: Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma Pretty Pink Momma

#21: SnaggleTooth ExitStageRight

#22: CheaHS@n Making Your Wishes Coming True

#23: Martha at A Sense of Humor is Essential A Sense of Humor Is Essential

#24: Marisa Elegant Bloggery Living The Creative life

#25: Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com If Evolution really works

#26: justinandmarya Justin and Marya’s Blog

#27: Hilary The Smitten Image

#28: Collin Short Stories

#29: Audrey Audrey’s country crafts

#30: Bumbles The Bumbles Blog

#31: kirigalpoththa A Walk Through The Magical Island

#32: Kelley magneto bold too

#33: Kumi make me your childish sweetheart

#34: Amy Happily Ever After

#35: jen@ourdailybigtop our daily big top

#36: Serendipity is Sweet Serendipity is sweet

#37: caitlyn Looking for little gasp of joy

#38: jennyspeaks Be Your Own Pet

#39: conditionalcognition Conditional cognition

#40: goodfoodkayu find great food at any time

#41: PoetTraveler Reaching 4 my pen

#42: HUGS: http://en.support.wordpress.com/

#43: Akismet: http://akismet.com/contact/

Sunday’s Forecast: Sunny, 100% Sunshine!


Some Sunshine from Amy at Keeping Up With the Schultz Family


Some Sunshine from justmeshakira at My HuMble Blessings


Some Sunshine from Yousei Hime


Wow, 10Q to Amy, Shakira, and Yousei, All three of U Rock!

Amy, U ennoble and inspire all readers with love, joy, humor, music, dances, winks, deep thinking, first class literature,  stories or fairy tales in the blogging world,  U touch every soul in the universe, U move every fire in our soul.

Shakira and Yousei: U run all the way cross the Pacific Ocean to touch lives of other people, including those who are new and needs encouragement and support. U R Leading figures in Thursday Poets’ Rally, I am very proud of U 2.

I Am grateful for the honor All Three of U brought 2 Me.  Now I am Ready to take it:

Here are the rules:

  • Put the logo on your blog above or below your post.
  • Pass the award to 12 blogger.
  • Link the nominees within your post.
  • Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blogs.
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Here is What Jingle Did: It is difficult to choose, everyone is cool and full of love out there,  I wish I could list all of U. Since I have three blogger nominated me, thus for each award, I pass to 14, now 3 times 14=42, Thus I am doing 42!  I purposely included a few “strangers”,

I could NOT simple pass to those who are with me, I must think about those who are else where but truly need some sunshine. 10q for your support! If I miss U and U believe that U deserve the award, then please continue following  me and I will try to make it up to U next time when getting another chance.

#1: nanno1982 the book of Noha

#2:  Jaymie Thorne’s Personal Musings

#3: doubtfulpoet Beth the beautiful poet-A poetry blog

#4 : Pamela

#5: Sunny

#6: lily

#7: Julie Whizbangwoman’s blog

#8: Beth feel like knitting

#9: brian miller

#10: secret agent woman,

#11: CottageGirl

#12: tonydowning

#13: Bananaz (U got your wish coming true)

#14: 2a24

#15: drj3kyll

#16: Momisodes

#17: Doraz

#18: Moe

#19: Pink Links

#20:  lynne I was knit together in my mother’s womb

#21: Jannie Funster


#23: questionof

#24: Anne Lessing

#25: art

#26: joyislife

#27: dusty

#28: Patricia-Raw Substance

#29:  vodkabeforenoon

#30: william

#31: gbaugh

#32: She Writes

#33: Mama Zen

#34: Hilary

#35: kashkin

#36: Math: http://richardwiseman.wordpress.com/2010/02/01/answer-to-the-friday-puzzle-37/

# 37: Math faculty in California: http://eaglebach.wordpress.com/

#38: TheMattersThatMatter: http://themattersthatmatter.wordpress.com/2010/02/

#39: Kathleen: http://thesadlittleball.wordpress.com/

#40: Dick: http://www.dickberryphotography.com/

#41: creative writing camp:http://witsblog.org/

#42: KJ: http://kirstywoodford.wordpress.com/

#43: timethief

Enjoy The Beaming Happy Sunshine!

See U Next time!  😉 😉 😉