Thursday Poets Rally Week 32 (November 4-10)

Welcome to Thursdays Poets’ Rally week 32 (November 4-10)

Basic Instruction for Rally Week 32:

#1: If you are a previous participants, your poem for Poets Rally week 31 is posted, then comment and leave a link before proceeding…Jingle will go back to the old rule, one quality poem for each week, thanks. After you link in, comment for 18 poets NEW from my lists, including the perfect poet award winners, participants, or fresh poets to explore…

#2: If you are the FIRST TIME participants, (or OLD participants who want to stay fine tuned about the quality of your entry, please sign in via the link below:

Week 32 Participants Awards:

For this week’s participants Jingle will offer

The Most Painstaking Poet Award

The Most Enterprising Poet Award

To all participants who will attend Rally week 32 and have the willingness to share and encourage poetry.

Week 31 The Perfect Poet Award Winners:

RiikaInfinityy  (accepted)

Jamie Dedes (accepted)

Olivia (Accepted)

Fiveloaf (Accepted)

Trisha (Accepted)

Heartspell (Accepted)


Leo (Leonnyes) (Accepted)

Frayedges (Accepted)

Julielaing  (Accepted)


William Manson

Notjeffery (Accepted)


Sina Saberi

Panda Wolf (Accepted)


Marlee-I Mystic (accepted)


Liliana Negoi

Kick Out The Jams

Naba Kumar Barman

Shawn Bird



Darlene (Accepted)

DiamondsAndDogs (Accepted)

Chamiechamz (Accepted)

Umapoems (Accepted)

Rashmi Jayakrishnan  (Accepted)

Week 32 Participants list:

Fabulous Job from week 31.,, Jingle will comment for all participants and visit all fresh poets during the week….I strongly encourage you to explore at least 10 fresh poets, then visit and comment for as many participants as possible…of course, 18 comments made is a minimum.  We truly hunger for FRESH talent, this week, my fresh poets to explore list is 99% FRESH, Enjoy!



Colors of mind: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

My story so far:

jackjericho (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Rashmi, 😉 😉 ;))


R0013:   (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Creation Dreams:, 😉 😉 ;))

Diamondanddogs: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Neha: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

The Juliebook:, 😉 😉 ;))

Hope Rising: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

M. M.:


Amity: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

JP Leddy: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Kavita: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Strummed Words:


Sumit: (done, 😉 😉 :))


yuuki-chan (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Shawn Bird (done, 😉 😉 ;))

WordsWorthMillions (done, 😉 😉 ;))

belladonna23, 😉 😉 ;))

Lu Ann: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Fearless Dreams: (done, 😉 😉 :))


U keep walking forward:, 😉 😉 ;))

Daniel jay:, 😉 😉 ;))

Many musings and poetry:


A ruler’s kingdom: (done, 😉 😉 ;))



The third road:


Marit (I never thought it would happen): (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Source of Inspiration:

(done, 😉 😉 ;))

Like a thought unchanted:



Glory: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Riika:, 😉 😉 ;))

M. I. M.: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Megzone:, 😉 😉 ;))

Alakaline: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Jamie Dedes:, 😉 😉 ;))

Anita:, 😉 😉 :))

Exploring life: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Verse Escape: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Robin: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Lynna: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Monica: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

I listened, Momma:, 😉 😉 ;))

Ash Bee Zone: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Christopher: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


mutedpoetchoo:, 😉 😉 ;))

Chick under construction:

Above the cloud of thoughts:


GK Asante: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Celebrating A Year:


Inside My Poem Book:   (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Life, or something like it:

Ms. Peaches: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Ina: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Liz:, 😉 😉 ;))

Pages from my mind: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Sam373: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Kumi: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Thoughtsnotlost: (done, 😉 😉 ;))




Shashi: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jessicas Japes, 😉 😉 :))

Lisa: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

somewhere else


Bodhirose (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Olivia (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Dr. Drmadangoyal:

The reason You Come:, 😉 😉 :))

A. B. Thomas:   (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Words4afriend:, 😉 😉 ;))

S. sharp: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Scent of my heart: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Gnarlyoak:, 😉 😉 😉


2zpoint: (done, 😉 😉 ;))



Leo: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Someone Is Special:, 😉 😉 ;))

Jingle: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

B:, 😉 😉 ;))

Vinay Chanagti: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


159 thoughts on “Thursday Poets Rally Week 32 (November 4-10)

  1. Oh my Goodness ! Poetry rally is back !!! 😀 😀
    You got me addicted to reading such wonderful new poets here dearest J !!!
    I will be linking pretty soon 🙂
    And reading as soon as i am done writing !

  2. Hi Jingle! I agree to all…but I just wanted to say that I did not participate in the last rally so I should not have an award for Perfect Poet…I will submit my poem for this week in an hour or so!


    1. the award is given because a previous winner nominated you.
      you shall include the award in your post, because on week 32, you will not be given the awards according to the rule…
      it is a way to respect the poet who nominated you.

      welcome in any time.

  3. hey ji

    im so sorry. i won be able to participate in this week as well

    since my exams get over only on nov 9th!!!

    im so bugged man!!! is it gonna be a prob in the foll rallies??

    please do let me know..

  4. Congratulations to all… and here is my post for the rally. This time I am experimenting with a journey of powerful source of spiritual energy in India and writing a verse under the image in Haiku Form… Hope you all like it.

    Look forward to a great rally week again…

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  5. Hi Jingle,
    I’m happy that you passed by my blog and decided to put the poem “May you be blessed” here. But as I mentioned on top of that post, this poem isn’t mine, it’s written by Kate Nowak years ago and you can find it anywhere.
    Have a nice day 😉

    1. if you write poetry and wish to share,
      give a poem you write and i will represent your own work.

      let me know via commenting, sorry for the overlooking.

      1. yeah.. the feedback is very much important to help me grow as a poet, Ji 🙂 but it also has helped me make new friends.. so I like doing it often.. sometimes of course, personal matters take precedence 🙂

        now back to my bloghops! ciao.

  6. Jingle-

    Thanks to a slow day at work–I have met my minimum of 18 comments plus 10 more. So officially, I am “done”…but I cannot wait to read more. There’s just so many amazing poems listed to read!

  7. Thank you so much for your kind inclusion! This is a wonderful idea, and I’m glad to know you exist so I can now visit when I have the time. I’m pretty much guaranteed to be unable to fulfill the requirements of membership due to illness and other activities, but I will read and comment when able. Thank you again!

  8. I think I am done with the 18 comments part, may be more. 🙂
    Never tried it, but once exposed to those fresh poems on the list, it felt good.

    Jingle, there is a small correction in my entry listing:
    My name is ‘Vinay Chaganti’.

  9. Hi Jingle! I have a new poem that was just published by an online literary journal. I would love to share it with the rally community, but my blog post is only about the poem and links to the journal’s site, where the poem itself is. Could I still use this as a rally entry? No worries if this won’t work–I just am looking for the best way to share it with everyone who’s been so supportive! Let me know what you think:


    1. I will let you try,
      link you in,

      you got tom visit and get feedback with your own efforts.
      have fun!

      copy a poem along with the post, why not?

      1. Thanks, Jingle! The journal has sole publication rights while the current issue is live, so I can only link to the poem for now.

        And I almost forgot–thank you for the award from the last rally! Do I need to do anything to accept it?

        I’ll get to reading this evening…

        1. display the logo,
          post a Haiku or short poem.
          nominate a poet.

          you don’t have to post the poems published, you can write a new or short one today and attach to the post,
          as you know, we read poems at Rally, not to read your publishing news, it is okay if a poem is in it.
          I don’t want to upset you, i don’t want to disappoint fellow poets as well.
          attach a simple poem not from the book.

          1. No worries–I’ll enter this piece in a later rally once I can put it on my blog. I’ll let you know if I’m able to get anything up in time for this rally. Thanks!

  10. Hi Jingle. I am going to have to pass on this one. I am swamped and I still have to respond to the last rally- been working a lot.

    Rally on everyone and good luck!

  11. Thank you so much! I started reading these to comment and now I’m just reading them because I like them. Thank you! Almost done.

  12. Sorry about the delay, Ji! Festivities everywhere!! 🙂
    Here is my Rally poem!
    I think I have visited more than 18 fresh poets (thanks to Jingle Poetry)! 🙂
    Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

  13. Hi Ji,

    As requested, here is the link to an old poem of mine which am gonna submit for Week 32…I am just new here, so very new, my first time and hopefully I will be able to abide by all the rules set forth in this meme.

    I will start my bloghop tomorrow after church. It’s 3:00 in my timezone and I need to catch up some needed sleep…. 🙂

    Happy to be part of your Thursday Poets Rally Jingle.. 🙂



  14. hello jingle…tons and tons of thanks to you and all those who had selected me for the perfect poet award for week 31. But alas! as my luck would have it, I could not be here to accept the award because of my exams. I am so sorry. But I am overjoyed on receiving the love that you all have showered on me. Thank you once again. I would not be able to participate this week because I haven’t written anything worth considering for this contest….just nibbles, as they are…..I couldn’t find anywhere else to post this message, so did here….sorry for the bother!

  15. Hello Jingle! Tons and tons of thanks to you and all those who have selected me for the perfect poet award for week 31. Its a great honor, really. But alas! as luck would have it, I could not be here to pick up my award because of my exams. I am so sorry. However, I am overwhelmed by the immense love and affection showered on me by you all . Thank you for that. I may not be able to participate this week because of the cursed exams. Moreover, I have not written anything noteworthy for long, they are just nibbles ,that have been confined to that cluttery corner of my hard disk! So back to full action in end-november! Thank you again! bye

  16. I’ve completed my 18…still checking out some of the fresh new poets tho! looking forward to the poetry potluck! yay! happy writing everyone!

  17. Hi Jingle! I’ve finished reading. You chose some excellent poets for this rally! And so sorry about the delay in accepting the award–I missed your note about that earlier and totally understand how many poets you are dealing with! I’ve accepted the award in my post and nominate Malcolm McLachlan for the perfect poet award this week:
    I’m still new to some of the technical details of blogging, so let me know if I didn’t do this properly. Thanks so much!

  18. Hi Jingle,

    Thanks for pointing out my technical malfunction, alas I have tried everything
    and it is irretrievable at the minute.

    I will continue reading but ask that I take ‘Nanny’s Day’ out , cos no-one can
    actually *comment* on it.


    C Murray

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