Thursday Poets Rally Week 27 (August 26-Sept 1, 2010)

Hello, Everyone!

Welcome to Thursdays Poets’ Rally week 27 (August 26-August 1)

If you are a poet and wish Jingle to celebrate your birthday in our community, please sign in via the link:

Basic Instruction for Rally Week 27:

#1: If you are a previous participants, your poem for Poets Rally week 27 is posted, then comment and leave a link before proceeding…(Hope that this works for you better, I will represent your work as submitted…)

#2: If you are the FIRST TIME participants, please sign in via the link below: (First time participants are required to visit and comment for a minimum 18 participants from my list)

Week 27 Participants Awards:

Three Poetry Awards:

The Most Mindful Poet Award

The Most Stylish Poet Award

The Most Considerate Poet Award

will be assigned to participants by Jingle on or by Sunday. Have fun!

Week 26 The Perfect Poet Award Winners:

Kavita (Accepted)

Joanny (Accepted)

Tracyhsays (Accepted)

nanno1982 (Accepted)

Trisha (Accepted)

Celebrating a Year (Accepted)

Morganna (Accepted)



Tasithoughts (Accepted)

Harshika (Accepted)

Ilakya Spandhanaa (Accepted)


Imagina (Accepted)

deadpoet88 (Accepted)

frayedges (Accepted)

splashofexpression (Accepted)

Keshav Ram Narla (Accepted)

Jessicas Japes (Accepted)

Jamie Dedes (Accepted)

Rajlakshmi (Accepted)

Jingle (Accepted)

Week 27 Participants list:



Whisper of life: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

700 Miles: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Waylandsteinhour:Tell Me Again (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Dakshima: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Lest I Smite Thee: (Done, 😉 😉 ;))

Harshika: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Leo: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Deadpoet88: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Amanda: (Done, 😉 😉 ;))

C. (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Rhythm of the soul: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

ThedarkJasmine: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Luisydomonique: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Pravin nair: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Mother2rah:ttp:// (done, 😉 😉 ;))



K A Shaw:  (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Oink: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Enreal: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Sherrie: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Anky0112: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Lauren: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jared :

83 October: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Victori: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Music of My Life:

Heartspell: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Celebrating A Year: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Christine: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

The JulieBoook: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Tracy: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Brokenpenwriter’s Blog:

Lovely, Life on inside: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Thoughts Not Lost: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Imagina: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

As The Raven Flies: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Kavita: Step on it… (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Someone is Special: (Done, 😉 😉 ;))

Can You Spare A Word or 5: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Olivia:I am Fire..!! (done, 😉 😉 ;))

The 10th Muse: new piece (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Ms. Peaches:, 😉 😉 ;))

Sillyfrogsusan: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

The Lost Poet:

Megzone: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Artswebshow: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Pinklady: Of Fun and Friendship(Done, 😉 😉 ;))

Slashofexpression: (Done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jessica Graf:

Jamie: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Vavuou: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


A Life Less Blog: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Liz: (done, 😉 😉 ;))




Diamondsanddogs: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Frayed Edges: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Riikainfinityy: (done, 😉 😉 ;))



Tolle Lege: (Done, 😉 😉 ;))

Purvi: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Noha: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jessica Japes: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Tasithoughts: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jingle: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Bill Cook:



133 thoughts on “Thursday Poets Rally Week 27 (August 26-Sept 1, 2010)

  1. Hey Jingle.. Im so honored to have received this prestigious award!! I’ll put it up on my blog by evening. I can’t get to my blog as often as I used to, I hope you understand. And thanks so much 🙂 I’m thrilled..!!

  2. Hi Jingle. This time around, if it still is possible, I’d like to participate for the joy of it, but not post to the Parking Lot; I do want to be free to include what I write in other forums in the future. I have always posted things here that are original, written for the Thursday Rally, and are not posted to other memes. But I may want to make that connection in the future.

    So I still plan to read and comment on the fine blogs that connect here. I am amazed at what you have created. If people want to click onto my blog, that would be great. Thanks. – Bill

    1. Me again. No wonder I have had a few people confused about my blog addresses. I inadvertently put my faith oriented blog address in my post. Of course I love & appreciate having people go there. But if they go looking for poetry they might be disappointed or even feel manipulated. So, here is the poetry blog address: Thanks again. – Bill

  3. Jingle…thank you for taking the time to do all this. I hope all is well and that EVERYONE is having a lot of fun with writing and blogging. 😎

  4. Battling server outages and work at the moment.
    Love to write for you again soon.
    I’m still getting your posts on subscription 🙂 so will stay up to date and read as much as I can even if I don’t get to write for fun only just now 😦
    I’ll let you know when something new is up on my blog – I’m not as prolific as most here, too many other tasks to complete…
    Love to all!

  5. I checked out the others’ poems first as I have some issue with the picture, somehow WP isn’t very friendly with me today XD but I will get the post up asap =) I did the 18 comments and still counting, this week is really fun=D~ So many beautiful and wonderful poems =P

  6. umm, Ji, m done with the 18 minimum 🙂 now continuing the random pick bloghop from the fresh poets list ..

    could I have my smiley next to done as 😛 😉 😛 please? 😀 lol.

  7. Oh wow! I just came to represent myself as a participant for week 27, but thanks to Jingle, shez quick with the post! :))
    So I am already counted in as a week 27 rally participant, isnt it Jingle? ThankQ & Hugs! :))

  8. Thanks for mentioning me in the “Fresh poets to know and explore” section. I’m honored. I’ll be putting you in my blogroll. I think what you’re doing here is awesome. Thanks for being awesome Jingle! 🙂

        1. Ho Finnito! I think that’s I’m done in Italian. 18+ blogs commented on with another successful rally week. The list just keeps on growing. Thank you for all that you’ve done to generate such a list!! Hope you had just as much fun visiting them as I did : )

          Sike..I know you did!!

    1. yipeeeeeeeee… i finished 18 and more… they were all lovely reads! thanks for the rally, jingle! will do another round tomorrow. for now, it’s nite nite here.

      happy rally to everyone!

  9. Hi Jingle…
    So excited to be in the Rally!!! Thank you for having me here… yaaayyy
    I just posted my entry for this week… The link to it is here: Step on it…

    Happy Rallying, all…
    Much love… 😀 🙂

    1. I visited and commented for as many fresh poets (and existing rally members) as I could :), and went waaaaaaay beyond 18..
      Boy!!! Reading them was/is fun!!!!
      Wished the birthday/anniversary poets too!!! 🙂 hehehe… how nice it is, to celebrate !!!

      Happy Rally27!!!! 😀

    1. I have commented more than 18 posts for sure. I agreed to all the norms as well as linked my birthday too. I love to nominate three poets out of the posts I read, I don’t know whether this is the right place to nominate, If this is not am sorry nominating here. I love to nominate LEO, PURVI & KAVITA..

      –Someone Is Special–

  10. Hi Jingle,
    guess i missed the deadline for this week’s Rally & don’t think i’m listed above; didn’t get the new piece posted till this morning 😦

    will be checking out the others here regardless; it’s always good reading 🙂

    thanks for putting all this together as ever!


  11. Thanks Jingle for everything but I cannot write poetry. I’m no good at it and don’t even attempt it. The Haiku’s are short and something I can handle but a poem…run for the hills my friend LOL Good luck to everyone 🙂

  12. My poem for the Rally is finally up! Back from a week w/out electricity, I have updated my blog & posted this week’s poem. Enjoy! I will be reading the Rally tonight or tomorrow, and will comment back to all who visit in the meantime.

  13. I have done a bit… am focusing on visiting almost everyone Ji, I’ll come back soon.. coz Its 6:30 am In India and I haven’t slept whole night… Well I couldn’t coZ I was so engrossed in Visiting posts…. all are amazing.
    happy rally to all…
    thanks Ji… again 🙂

    1. heheheh… Anks, I too fall in that category of 6.30AM sleeping time! I have a loooooong night ahead of me now, before I fall asleep.. 😉

      Take care, girl… sleep well…

  14. Hi, Jingle. Thanks for mentioning my poetry blog. I don’t really know if I would have the time to participate of the Rally. I wish I had more time… Thanks anyway for inviting me and be sure I will come and pay a visit to your blog very frequently. As soon as I have more time I will definitely participate on the Rally.

    1. click on your poem title,
      then copy and
      when you give me comment,
      paste the link along with your comment..

      or simply mention the poem that is for Poets Rally, then I will place your link in my post.
      Glad to have you.

  15. Hello Jingle! This is a link to my poem that I wrote for this rally!

    Just so you know, as I was scrolling through the list of poets I noticed that I had already been linked in with an old poem. I’m not entirely sure how this happened as I have not yet commented on this post and the poem is from many months ago. I do not personally mind any further attention it brings my blog, but I thought you ought to know so that I am not unfairly having twice as many visits in comparison to other poets 🙂

    1. So sorry… I’m not sure I can make it through your list today. I’ll be around as soon as life slows down a bit. Have a terrific weekend

  16. Finished……………..but will check out some more of the newbies over the weekend, just so many to read!

  17. Jingle, I have read many of the new poets and commented on more than 18 combined with week 27 participants and others I enjoy reading regularly. I hope to read manymore and give more comments over the weekend. Heartspell 🙂

  18. Hi, Jingle,
    I’ve just finished my 18 reviews…takes a lot of time, but what wonderful contacts. Thanks for including me on your blog. I have a question: how do I know who are new participants and who are established? Also, what does it mean–the “accepted” at the beginning of the list of participants. I’ll spend a little time now browsing your site and maybe answer some of the other questions I have. Victoria

    1. beautiful job!

      as for participants, since you are the first time, All participants are NEW and all fresh poets are NEW to you.

      next time,

      those who have had contact with you are OLD poets, those who have ZERO contact with you previously are NEW, all referring to you personally, each poet has different friend circles….
      any more question?

  19. I actually finished… I think I went over the 18… lost in words, you know 😉 … and I had a great time too! this opened my eyes to so many talents. a great thing you do Jingle. thanks

  20. hi jingle, thanks for the invite, i have read thru the requirements & don’t feel able to commit to them at present, but would like to wish you all the best with your endeavours x

  21. I just received notice that an article I wrote is published on Writer’s Digest Guide to Literary Agent’s blog. Hope you will stop by for a visit. The link is
    My article is titled “Seven Things I’ve Learned So Far.” It’s a recurring column on this blog, hosted by Chuck Sambuchino, an editor at Writer’s Digest. It follows an interview with a new agent, Kerry Sparks, so you’ll need to scroll down.
    Just an FYI, it was here that I found my agent, Kimberly Shumate. Hope you take a look and give me feedback if you would. I will post it in its entirety later this week, but would love to introduce you to this great blog.

  22. Hi Jingle – I finished my 18. I went to poets I’d never visited before. The talent group is so amazing!

  23. Jingle, as before, I’ve had a fabulous morning reading the work of so many new poets. You can mark me as having completed my required reading. Thanks again!

  24. Hi.
    was not able to your site as early as expected.
    do you have any rallies left where I can join?
    i would really love to.

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