Thursday Poets Rally Week 26 (August 12-18)

Hello, Everyone!

Welcome to Thursdays Poets’ Rally week 26 (August 12-18)

Basic Instruction for Rally Week 26:

#1: If you are a poet who is new and want to join our Thursday Poets’ Rally, post a poem in your own blog, sign in via the following link, leave a comment under this post with your poem link included.

#2:If you are a previous participant, you have NOT yet met the requirement for week 25, please go through the following link to visit and comment to fulfill the requirement before moving to #3.

#3:If you are a previous participant, you have already met the requirement on previous weeks, you wish to attend Poets Rally week 26 for fun, you do NOT wish your poetry to be represented at Promising Poets Parking Lot because you want to feel freely to conduct many other poetry community activities, then please simply comment under this post and leave your poetry link along with your comment. (In this case, your work may be linked to other poetry meme at the same time.)

#4: You are a previous participant, who are ready for week 26, you wish to have UNIQUE contribution to Poets Rally week 26, which means your poem is written for poets rally specifically and your work is tagged properly, and you want your poetry to be represented at Promising Poets Parking Lot Poets Rally Week 26 Journal, please visit the following link to sign in:

#5: Very important, please make sure to comment back to return compliments when you are given comments by our participants.

#6: After you have commented a minimum 18 blogs, let me know and you will remain on the list the following week as active poets.

Week 26 Participants Awards (If you don’t participate, there is No promises that you will receive these awards)

Three Poetry Awards:

The Most Graceful Poet Award

The Most Resilient Poet Award

The Most Compassionate Poet Award

will be assigned to participants by Jingle on or by Sunday. Have fun!

Week 25 The Perfect Poet Award Winners:

Emmanuel Ibok

Fiveloaf (Accepted)

Buttercup600 (Accepted)

Poet Traveler

Soul Intention

Suzicate (Accepted)


Heartspell (Accepted)

Megzone (accepted)

Chilton (nominated Chocolate High)

DiamondsAndDogs (Accepted)

Pj Djennel

RiikaInfinityy (Accepted)

PinkLady  (Accepted)


Pamela (Accepted)

Revbillcook  (accepted)

Arcanewhisper (Accepted)


Evangelinehannah (Accepted)


Week 26 Participants list:

Nelly: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Joanny: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Rhyme and circumstance:: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Leonnyes: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Purvi: (done, 😉 😉 :))


Brave new world:

In The pursuit of Distractions: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Heartspell; (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Hoiden: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Sillyfrogsusan: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Ms. Weger: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Suzi: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Ladyg83: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Kavita: (Done, 😉 😉 ;))

Siubhan: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Sharma: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jessica Japes: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Ms. Peaches: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


Megzone: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Diamondanddogs: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Noha: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Catharsis: (done, 😉 😉 ;))



Deadpoet88:, 😉 😉 ;))

Word from a Wall (done, 😉 😉 ;))

GJK: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Tracy: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jamie: (done, 😉 😉 ;))


The Seeds of Thought:

The Splash of expression:, 😉 😉 ;))

My poetry:

A Poem A Day 2010: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Lest I Smite Thee: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Celebrating A Year: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Amanda: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Revbillcook: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Imagina: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

JP: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Fantastic Minds:

Tasithoughts: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Frayed Edges: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Lynn: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Amrita: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Dancing Freak: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Deadly butterfly Betrayal: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Liz: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Jingle: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Artswebshow:… (done, 😉 😉 ;))

Ilakya: (done, 😉 😉 ;))

126 thoughts on “Thursday Poets Rally Week 26 (August 12-18)

  1. Congratulations to all the winners and participants…the group grows exponentially, I think. Impressive!

    Have fun with the next Rally.

    Count me in, Ji! 🙂

  2. Many thanks,
    Well, I have made mistakes in the past because I did not know what other people are thinking, I took everything positively, in the end, I was HIT and almost “DIE” from this blogging world, I have become very careful, because I need to make sure I know what people want or think and I need to protect myself from getting hurt again…
    I enjoy people who agree with me and who take my efforts positively, thus as I said, this post is here, u choose to follow, or walk away, I have NO control of you.
    Thanks again for those who do understand me…
    well, do what fits you.
    Happy Wednesday!

  3. Sorry Jingle, I am confused. Which are the poems I am supposed to look at, the “Week 26 Participant’s List,” or the “Week 26 Fresh Poets to Know or Explore,” or any combination of the above? Thanks!

    1. in general,

      as a first time participant, you are recommended to visit 18 participants from the list of your choice…

      of course, if you wish, you can do fresh poets or the perfect poet award winners…


  4. Congrats for the winners, well done! Thank you for Jingle, and now i’m off to visit a minimum of 18 fresh poets.
    Have a good day everybody 🙂

  5. Hi again, Ji!

    Well have finished visiting more than eighteen of the newbee’s and many others. Truth to tell, couldn’t figure out if some of them were participating because of the dates on their posts and because there was no mention of Rally!!?? Anyway, enjoyed the exercise and now must get on with the mundane duties … Such is life. Have a good one, Jingle.

    Jamie 🙂

    1. Hi again, Jingle..
      I visited and left comments on fresh poets’ blogs..
      How many? hmm.. let’s see.. I lost count after 22.. 🙂 I just went on reading..
      Looked at the clock now and saw that it’s 5.15AM here… hehehe.. so will HAVE TO hit the sack! Else will wake up on SATURDAY!! Cannot afford to lose a day.. hehhe

      Happy Friday to all!! 🙂

  6. I may have went a little rally crazed visiting beyond the recommended 18 but I’m done 🙂 There is such a collection of great poets here. Keep posting and keep sharing. Happy Rally everyone!!

  7. Hi Jingle, as always it has been rich to read and hear from so many interesting, perceptive, creative people. I’m not sure how many I have read and commented on, but it has been a lot more than 18! All of them great to have spent time with. Thanks. – Bill

  8. i came out of hibernation just so i wouldn’t miss our rally. a good friend of mine died last week and much as i want to write something inspiring or sunny, i just couldn’t find the right words. and so i came up with a little tribute for my friend.

    jingle, i already signed in to the agreement, posted the acceptance of perfect poet award and my contribution for week 26 here-

    hopefully, i’d be able to complete my rounds before the day ends. have a happy and blessed sunday!

    {{{hugsss}}} and blessings to all,
    bing ♥♥♥

  9. Thanks for the comments and add, Jingle! I’ve just completed my comments!
    This is such a wonderful blog and idea, by the way! Enjoying this very much…

  10. Ji, this place is outta this world 😀 so many wonderful poets.. I’m actually not sure how many I read, but I just lost myself here.. I’ve done majority of the participants list today 🙂 will try and get to majority of the fresh poets list tomorrow 😀

    18, my goal that you set, is completed.. DONE 🙂 but I’m on a mission to read as many more as possible, coz they’re all very different, and interesting.. and also, INSPIRING too.

  11. Hi Jingle, I’m all done! It took a while because of interruptions of real life ^_^ Anyway, I appreciate your efforts for mediating a community such as this. More power to you!

  12. I’m done dean.. I’ve visited 18+ poets and i’ll visit more tomorrow..
    it was a great experience this week .. I cried with some and laughed with others..
    well done everbody.. You deserve the best 🙂
    Today is my twin babies second birthday so i’m off preparing them a party 😀

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