Everyday Is A Rally By Ibok and Long Live Thursday Rally 4 Poets from Trisha and More

Everyday is a rally a poem by Ibok

I just want to read from you
hear what you have to say
and where your muse had wandered to.

Everyday is a rally
it brings me much pleasure
to know you will be here
to share my point of view.

Everyday is a rally
keeping us together
exchanging kind words
through fine and stormy weather.

Everyday is a rally
oh! I just love everyday.
Can you feel the feel I feel
in writing this to you?

Words from Ibok

Written in support of the  Thursday Poets Rally. Post on your Blog attaching the above logo in support of this movement…Super Cheers!


thursday rally for poetsThursday rally for poets

universe of love a poem by Trisha

A small galaxy
Created by magic
Twinkling together
A constellation
Of loving stars
Surrounding moon fairy
Queen of their heart.

A place in this big world
Where love is shared
Laughter is spread
Envy, anger, bitterness
Turn back from the gate
Love, admiration rushes in
Makes a place to stay.

This is our small universe
Shining in our own special way
A cluster of kindred souls
Longing to stay this way
To dwell together
In the world of dream
In the world of poetry.

Where clumsiest tries
Are judged with love
Weirdest works are praised
For we know in our hearts
We have only love to spread
Life is too short to waste
So we spread only light.

Words from Trisha

My priceless friend and classic poet Emmanuel inspired this post.

He is a marvelous poet and a friend to be cherished with all heart


I followed his lead and proudly added my cheers to his. Cheers for Jingle’s cyber baby, which is now playing in our life’s play ground, brightening up our lives.

Thursday Rally for poets, visit the special blog which Jingle created for it:


Just as Emmanuel said, lets all spread this wave of togetherness, you can use this pic or the one on Emmanuel’s blog if you want to put up a post.

Lets help this tiny baby to run and win the cyber world.



A poem from Amanda

We can love together, we can strive together
We can play together, we can pray together
We can plan together, we can stand together
We can cry together, we can try together
The future of man is built on a plan
Of working together whenever we can
For together, forever we bring
The best, the good of it all


A Poem by Kavita

He said it, I am just his echo
He meant it, I mean it ditto!

Yes, everyday is a rally
It brings us closer
Makes us pleasant and pally
And appreciate the other…

Cheers to Jingle for the Rally, Emmanuel for this amazing poem, and to all poets that make this Rally a rally!
Love you all…

Words from Rhythm of My Soul:

Poem by Emmanuel Ibok in support of the Thursday Poets Rally. I concur to every word in the poem! Thursday Poets Rally is one of the best things that has happened to me as a blogger; Reading thoughts of inspired bloggers,  receiving comments that pushes us forward, participating in events together… its almost like we are family here .


Words and poem from Tracy:

My little contribution to the movement:

“Rally On!”

Poetry is our passion
Whether in, or out of fashion
We find our way to use this voice
For some of us, we have no choice
We have to speak with meter and rhyme
We think in a rhythm and write in time
As for me, I learn from each poem you write
I find new ways to get my voice just right
Each comment you make, I always tally
And look forward to Thursday for Jingle’s next Rally.


Words from Alan:

Thank you Jingle for all you have done, it sure makes poetry a lot of fun. Jingle I love you and the poet’s rally. I love everything you do!!!!!!I love all of your awards and comments, you know how to make people feel special!! Great Job and Long Live Jingle’s Poet’s Rally!!! Inspired by Emmanuel and Buttercup.


links to these poets:





Musing By Moonlight:http://musingbymoonlight.com/2010/07/05/everyday-is-a-rally-via-lordemmanuels-blog/


Rhythm of My Soul:http://rhythmofmysoul.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/everyday-is-a-rally-by-emmanuel-ibok/


Hello, friends and poets.  I am totally touched and tickled by Six +ONE+One, fellow poets, Ibok, Trisha, Amanda, Musing By MoonlightKavita, Rhythm of My Soul, Tracy, and Alan. who write outstanding poetry and have been Thursday Poets Rally members for many weeks…

Well, No worry, dear friends, Thursday Poets Rally is in good shape and will run continuously in the future. Here, Jingle wants to say THANK YOU for all of you who have attended and supported Poets Rally….

Today’s world is open and global, we shall never fear competitions, we shall welcome challenges, we shall stay cool and have open mind to all poets who try to make a difference… Please feel free to look around, try out other poets activities and get the best out of your life.  Think of Google and Yahoo, think of internet explorer, firefox, and google throne, I am ready to learn from others, I adore any fresh ideas and novel methods in promoting poetry and encouraging poets in general…you have the option to try things out, make decisions of what you really want and enjoy doing poetry….

Jingle has her first prose published in a college paper as a sophomore. Recent years, she has written small pieces of opinions and has one appeared in locale newspaper and another appeared in university newspaper …Jingle reads books, poetry, newspapers, magazines, online news, …one shall never stop learning and trying fresh things…

Well, here are some other Online poetry press who accept poem entries, feel free to try:

Author Spot:


Hamilton Stone Review:


Young American Poets:


The Main Street Rag Publishing Company:


The Dead Mule:


Empowerment Women:


Blue Fifth Review:




Vox Poetica:


Tipton Poetry Journal:


Drunken Boat:




Weave Magazine:


Promising Poets’ Parking lot:


Thank You for the Friendship

Think of You, my friend!

21 thoughts on “Everyday Is A Rally By Ibok and Long Live Thursday Rally 4 Poets from Trisha and More

  1. Hey Jingle! Those were wonderful poems. They gifted me a warm heart and smiles. Beautiful reaching out. And the words You wrote afterwards and Your whole aim to spread poetry and support and love and joy…..BRILLIANT! Congrats All and Thank You! Cheers and Namaste. 🙂

  2. Jingle, congratulations on your published prose and your newpaper opinion publishing…that is so wonderful…you go, girl! Thank you for sharing all the sites for publishing…You are so kind and thoughtful! Heartspell

  3. I joined the Poets Rally only about 2 weeks ago, and am already beginning to feel like I am part of a HUGE happy family! 🙂
    Thanks to Jingle and the Rally world, I have now made some cool friends, got to read some real amazing stuff and also got a chance to have my poems read! The forum is SUPER! The opportunity, immense! But mainly, the initiative and true feeling in it all, JUST TOTALLY SPLENDID !!!!!
    Thank you all… and may the words and verses keep flowing … MARCH ON ye poets!!! 🙂

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