About ME

Hello,  This blog is previously run by Jingle, now I blog here as Aya Wilson or Kora-Leah Finchol Wilson, from Italy, posts from 2009 to August, 2011 belong to Jingle herself, posts starting from February, 2012 to …..will belong to Aya Wilson… I am busy with my studies, sorry for being unable to separate everything…I don’t post often here, but will work to make things clear to all of you.

Hello, Welcome to my WordPress page, my name is Ji, my pen name is Jingle,  I live in the United States of America and enjoy reading, traveling, and writing. I plan to share some of the insights I have gained in my life span and hope that you join me for the journey of adventures, humors, and surprises. My purpose is not to showcase the downside of everyday living, but to take efforts in figuring out how we can have a better life than what we have now, and why we shall never give up hopes and keep course sailing!

It does not matter who you are and where you come from, we connect with each other via our shared interests or values and seek answers to our wonders, problems, and struggles in a universal sense!

English is not my first language, thus I appreciate your tolerance!


I: Jingle is represented by Poets United today: The life of A Poet, Check out details here:


Many thanks to Poets United and Poets Who Support Jingle and her Thursday Poets Rally.

II: An interview with the magic backyard, Kellie is a sweet and talented poet, visit her blog to read her now.


III: Kelli also posted our interview at Exposure Worthy-read her here:


IV: Ibok’s Tribe Sunday:


V: Jingle Poetry Tuesday Reviews

Someone is special at Few Miles honored me and my main blog Jingle at Jingle on his Tuesday Review today, a huge surprise to me, the depth he has gone to my blogs and my work is unexpected and the words he uses to describe my work is sweet and beautiful…I feel super honored about this one…Please read Few Miles and get to know Someone Is Special more…


VI: Someone Is Special honored me as one of the Women Bloggers he reads and appreciates..


VII: two of my poems are published at Whiippoorwill Online Journal: (not paid)



349 thoughts on “About ME

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on my recent poem. You are my first new connection I have made on that blog which I had been thinking about taking down since I have another one I keep for the mentoring I do regarding hearing loss. I have since decided that I will continue to try to keep up both.
      You have a very interesting blog and I look forward to looking it over more thoroughly. Nice to meet you.

  1. Hi Jingle, I’ve had a good week-end and continue to check in. I see that you’re experimenting with themes!

    Wow. The lime green is *intense*. I have to say, it makes it hard to read the text!

    I hope your week-end went well.

  2. Hi there!!! Thanks for checking out my blog! I am having a lot of fun, although I’m still trying to get in the habit of blogging every day. I love your theme–nice and relaxing!! I’ll check out your posts and comment on some, fo sho!! 🙂

    1. you are very welcome.

      excited about your flying by and take a look.

      I am new, will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and still learning.
      Hope that you find something interesting to read.

      Thumbs up!

    1. You rock! I feel humble to receive your compliment and

      please feel free to visit any time!

      Thank you and have a uplifting weekend!

  3. I agree wholeheartidly with you Ji, and this is refreshing, sometimes I have to write sad poems because I write about everything and in life not all is rosy for everyone, particularly the disadvantaged of this world my fight is for them, your work is honest and real and I enjoy it…
    perhaps u could post a picture of yourself for us to know the person behind the work..?

  4. You are enigmatic, dear Jingle. I think you might enjoy “Twisters” on Twitter. Maybe you are already familiar with them? They are short stories – maximum 140 characters! Lots of fun to write. You can see some examples from me @imagicaitlyn. Another clever “Twister” is @twae.

    I hope you are reading my blog regularly. I think there are some similarities in our take on the world.

    1. I am not familiar with twitter, I am not good at twister as well, I wrote this one for fun. Thank you for the references.
      Yes, I will bookmark your blog and we can visit each other for pleasure.
      It is exciting to have you here.
      Bless you! 🙂

    1. You are welcome, I love WORDS and thus am fond of blogs that has WORDS as their major focus..scientific words, awesome idea!

  5. Thanks Jingle for stopping by – I’ll add you to my own blogroll unless you object. Perhaps if I stop by often enough, I shall learn to write haiku!

    1. Thank you, absolutely No objections, glad that you meet me here and commented.
      As long as the door of communication stays open, we are happy and relaxed..
      take care and happy holidays! 🙂

    1. My name is Ji, jingle is my pen name. Thank you for asking and please relax yourself, name is a name, what’s important is my thoughts and characters…nice to see you.

    1. Absolutely OKAY!
      It is such a joy to get to know you and your work.
      You keep me inspired all the way in 2009!
      take good care
      happy new year!

  6. Jingle,
    Thanks for visiting me at Italian for Beginners. I had to review that lesson and found you there. Now, I get to stop here and become enthranced by your various themes. Good job.

  7. Jingle:
    You spread sunshine
    In a world where
    Storms brew.

    You see life
    In places where
    Others thought nothing grew

    You bring joy
    To people where
    Others look to gain

    You ignore hatred,
    Never inflicting pain

    Thank you for helping
    All those in

    The simple smile
    That you bring
    Is a truly good deed.


    1. Dearest KJ:

      You talent in poetry is unstoppable, incredible, and unbeatable!

      WORDS of wisdom from you will keep me going for days, weeks, months, years to come, ocean depth thanks for your lovely notes and unforgettable poem…

      always, you are the best!

      January 03, 2010.

      1. Dear Jingle,
        Thank you, your words are so kind, and you’re heart must be kinder still to take the time to write them.
        The poem and notes are simply honest feelings, I cannot do anything but write them down!
        Please, keep your blog for as long as you can, for it brings happiness to so many people! The world is so blind as it is, a blog with random, happy posts brightening every day is a special and rare thing – something to hold onto!
        So, I thank you again, and congratulate you on this talent!

  8. KJ:

    I trust your WORDS, honest feelings are beautiful, it touches my heart and
    uplifts my spirits….

    Back and forth,
    we make a perfect pair:)

    take good care.


    1. Jingle:

      Thank you.

      It’s true ours words
      Act as inspiration
      and motivation,
      to spur the other on
      In the eternal quest
      for world happiness
      love, and peace

      The world is large,
      We are but small scatters
      Of the sunshine’s rays
      But our quest leaves
      Upon the sands of time.

      And so, hope others
      Take joy in our
      To create a small piece
      Of happiness

      Continue carrying the sunshine in your heart, with your own masterful words, and fly amongst the stars with the gratitude I send you for doing so.


      1. KJ:

        without you flying with me,
        I will lose part of the energy,
        From you to me,
        and from me to you,
        Our dreams will come true!

        thank you for the support.


  9. Jingle:

    Surely there is a mirror
    Seperating us two,
    For I reflect back
    The feelings you
    Write to me
    in pretty verse
    and I feel equally
    about the curse
    and gift that we
    have both found:
    Never can we separate
    Our unique bond
    without losing spirit,
    For of you, I’m fond.

    Again, you’re poem is brilliant and words delicate yet true!
    Thank you!


  10. Hi Ji .. Interesting to meet you & thanks for coming over to my blog .. you’ve got lots of supporters here, which is so nice. The BookGirl … writes some lovely poems for you ..

    Enjoy 2010 ..sounds as though you will –
    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters inspirational Stories

    1. Hilary:

      Thank you for the uplifting visit.
      Yes, I am supported by many fellow blogger, they are the reasons that keep me get up daily and feel like the need to do something meaningful for others, if possible.

      I am thrilled about you flying by.

      I will visit you more often, wishing you do the same.


    1. Hello, Ishabelle:

      I love your beautiful face, you are the power in my blog to keep me moving on.

      Welcome back anytime.

      Enjoy A Marvelous Day. 🙂


  11. Hello Jingle
    I’m so glad our paths crossed it’s such fun getting to know others and to not take ourselves to serious! Do you have comments off? I looked and didn’t see a place to leave one,so common sense just “kicked” in lol! Any who holla back at me when you have a chance.

    1. Dear Pat:

      Welcome commenting, I love seeing your smiling faces.

      I have 2 friends just come and left comments, why no space for you?
      Let me know after you get out and reenter,
      I appreciate your interests.
      Love your comments all the time :).


  12. Thanks for noticing my blog and understanding the message I am telling in my poem ‘Husband, Father Drunk’. I also have a blog here on wordpress http://www.valkyrie1008.wordpress.com so you can follow me here too. It carries much of the same content as my blogspot blog valkyriansanctum.blogspot.com.

    I like your poems too they are very uplifting.

    1. Hi, Valkyrie1008:

      It is nice to see you pop in and share your thoughts with me. 🙂

      I will try to follow your wordpress.com blog.
      I appreciate your kind words, take care and have a great weekend.

  13. Thanks for stopping by and for your nice comments.
    With this occasion I discover a new friend from different country 🙂 Nice to meet you.

    Have a great day, my friend!

    1. Hi, @2a24:

      My pleasure to meet you, 😉
      I am blogging too much because it is FUN, glad to meet you here.
      stop by any time…

      wishing you a remarkable day ahead,
      you deserve happiness, 😉

  14. I just wanted to say hello again, Jingle, and to thank you for your positive comments on my new blog, “Scientific Words of the Week.” I have seen that I get some of my traffic from people who find out about it here at your page. So thanks for that, too!

    I try to keep the blog fun (and possibly even funny sometimes), while still being educational.

    For anyone who is interested, it’s at:


    1. Hi,

      if you could say something related to my post in the front page, that may bring you more traffic, because 95% of my visitors view my most updated post, thus

      it is under your own decision to do so by commenting with my most recent post.
      I wish you the best.
      have a nice evening,


  15. Hello jingle it is nice to meet you. I am Billy’s friend, Viola, also known as Vi, and summerlinangel3. I just wanted to drop in and take a look at your blog. I myself don’t have time to do blogs but I do enjoy reading what others writes as I have extra time to do so. I very much enjoyed yours this morning. It was a pleasure coming here to relax and read while drinking my morning cup of coffee. God bless and may your blog be richly blessed.

  16. Thank you Jingle! I love your blog. You are very talented. You recently were on my page, but mine does not compare to this. I will recommend you to my good friends. I am sure you will be hearing more from me someday! Thank you 2 times over! Especially for the blog comments, i appreciate it!

    1. Hello, goodgirl:

      you are sweet.
      My blog is about 9 weeks old, everyone is welcome here,
      I hope that you come often and share your thoughts with us…
      Welcome your friends as well…

      take care, 😉

  17. Hi Jingle
    I have read quite many of your blog and Im in total awe of your positive and vibrant writing style and attitude 🙂 No matter how bad or depressed a person is feeling, your writing never fails to put a smile back where it belongs.

    And a special thanks for adding me to Thursday poet’s Rally. This happened at a time when I was dabbling with poems-only 3 poem old I was. All the positive and lovely comments I got through it made it very encouraging.

    Thanks a tonne.
    God Bless You

    1. Hi, Datsme:

      Thank you for your time spent in my blog…you carry very beautiful mind and unbeatable spirits, which make you very attractive and appealing to blogging world, i feel humbled to have your agreement or praise,

      cheers, 😉

  18. Thanks for the comment you posted on my blog about my poem. I enjoy getting any feedback on my poetry. I love to know how I’m doing with my writing. Your blog is really cool and thanks again for the comment.

  19. Hi Jingle. For English not being your first language, you are very well versed in it. Your writing is beautiful and your poems are very clever. Tonight I’m going to try to write a poem just to see if I can do it. And I did read about you, as you can tell.

  20. Jingle – perhaps you’d like to consider the following:

    Add a definition of haiku to your sidebar so that those of us who are moved to try it while reading your compostions would have the instructions right there!

  21. Hello again Jingle,

    thanks for your lovely comment on my New Year New Inspiration poem. I’m glad you liked it.

    It’s a new month on my poetry calendar so bare with me and I’ll have made a special poem to mark this month of love.

  22. OOops! I meant to leave this comment for Jingle.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on my recent poem. You are my first new connection I have made on that blog which I had been thinking about taking down since I have another one I keep for the mentoring I do regarding hearing loss. I have since decided that I will continue to try to keep up both.
    You have a very interesting blog and I look forward to looking it over more thoroughly. Nice to meet you.

  23. Thank you for your comment. I wrote that poem today as I pondered the blindness of behaviours that stem from our ever present ego.

    I enjoyed your views about life and the story about the poem your father told everyone in the village… It sounds like you had a lovely childhood…

    Keep smiling C

    1. Hello, @awakendsoul:

      What a thoughtful person U R,
      you read about my father, that is neat.
      Yes, I have a 100% happy childhood, parents love each other until today, being the oldest child, and have received many selfless love and support when growing up,

      U R Cool, U brought up my sweet memories of my childhood.

      Take good care, 😉

  24. Beloved jingle, the following poem is on my page and I know you have already seen it there, but it properly belongs here, on your pages, along with all the other wonderful praise for YOU… dear and sweet person who works non stop to help us all to come together in UNITY of hearts and minds, sharing poetry whoever and wherever we are. Blessing be with you dear jingle for who you are and what you are and for tirelessly reaching out to so many.

    – John 🙂 aka Poet Traveler

    If your days are dark and dreary
    and your mind is growing weary
    of the never ending bleary
    battle with a day that swallows
    all the light in darkling hollows
    gathering around the sky and
    underneath your door, there’s
    a place where fun and laughter
    shine from each and every rafter,
    sparking, marking, light across
    a never ending floor, and its
    sparkling feel amazes, splashing
    joy that brims and blazes, willing, all
    to cheer and clap with happiness galore.

    From the wondrous pen of jingle
    emanates a love that tingles through
    all the pages’ walls and is a store
    of generosity unbounded reaching out
    open-handed across the vasty beach
    of WordPress’ shimmering shore.

    – jingle, your kindness unifies us evermore!


    1. John:

      U R such a thoughtful and extraordinary individual to know.
      Wow, I feel so humble to have u do this for me,
      the joy and love shared belong to all members, especially people such as u, who take the front stage and reach out with NO doubt or hesitations…

      I value your pure grace
      and wish U the best in future efforts…

      May force and love Be with u!
      I love the poem u wrote 4 me! It is a poem of love and wisdom!

      😉 😉 😉

      1. It is such a deep honor to write this for you. In my life I have been lucky to have met people, in different places, different countries, who are imbued with grace, wisdom, humility and a deep belief that helping others sets up ripples that spread out from those who are touched by kindness of heart and mind and that they in turn pay it forward. I am sure we all try to take each day as it comes and, for better or worse, make the very best of it.
        In your modesty and humility of stance. and in the joy that you display to everyone you encounter, you are a very special person indeed. I am so glad I am able to write a poem for you. It is a poem filled with love and joy – for you, dear jingle.

        😉 😉 😉

  25. I share a similar philosophy in that I don’t want to be judged based on gender or race. Unfortunately that can play a major role in whether you’re accepted or not, but fortunately I have found nothing but luv in this community! So happy about that! I look forward to continuing to share with you and others…and continuing to learn from you and others.

    Positivism rocks!


  26. hello there,

    i’ve seen you around and just saw the pawsome award that the PPMan made for you,

    you sound interesting enough for a chi to know and i just wanted to drop in to your room to say “hi”


  27. Hi Jingle, thanks (on behalf of Hafiz and his translator) for your comments on my new blog. From looking at yours, it seems you’re a real social engineer, and have helped inspire a lot of people, in the manner of the poem I posted. Much respect and I hope that your efforts continue to be appreciated.

    Mike S

  28. Hi Jingle!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely commment. I have had a quick look around and you have a wondeful place here, full of fun, creative, thoughtful and inspiring. I am looking forward to reading and participating!

  29. Thanks for the support and love, Jingle. I had just finished creating my blog last night… tired of all the loose-leaf material hanging around… and feel like it is time to put my work into the world for constructive criticism! So far, from what I have seen of your material here, I am impressed! Keep up the excellent work.. your word have much more ‘organization’ than mine seem to, and I really admire that. I am not really super-familiar with all the workings of wordpress yet, but if there is a way to link blogs together, I would love to link yours to mine! Take care, and I look forward to reading the rest of your work!


  30. Jingle… nyc description about urself…lolz…

    really nyc 2 know u…though i dont knw dat much till now…
    bt u sud my whole blog and post more comments cause im in a competition…


  31. Hey…. How are you??? Remember me??? I’m the poet, writer and composer and the author of DIREKT DILZE… So i was wondering if we both could add each other in our blog rolls??? so that it helps each other to get more readers… what you say???? let me know…

    Phalgunn Maharishi,

  32. Where are you from Ji? Are you on the west or east coast, middle of US? How did you come up with “Jingle”? I will try to write more you have a cool site with a lot of talented writers. TTYL

    1. I am from Asia,
      I live in South Central of the U. S. A.
      I have been in America for more than 16 years, I lived in Chicago, New Jersey, Texas, and now in Somewhere near Texas.
      My name is Ji, I have some writing talent which I believe of helpful and I used to recite thousands of Classical poems to my baby boys in my native language, I was determined to write a blog, which is not personal, but about literature, math, adventures, poetry, and healthy living…Thus JI(ngle) is born, my first blog post is on November 28, 20009.
      Thank you for the questions,
      Please read about Me to know me more.
      Welcome to my place.
      Hope to see you more often.

  33. Hi Jingle,
    You visited my blog and left a lovely comment and a gift which I think might be an award button but I am not sure how I was lucky enough to earn or deserve a gift from you. Is there a particular button that I can copy and paste into my blog? Please advise. Thank you.

    Also, I think this is a lovely idea and I’m going to visit many of the blogs that you have linked to.

    1. Yes, you right click on the award image and save it as in one of your file or desktop, then you insert the award image to your post in which you wish to display the award…

      before doing it, right click and choose copy image, the try to paste it to your word dcument to keep it on file or future record…
      let me know if you have problem doing it.
      Good Luck!

  34. Hey nice blog. Thanks for your lovely comments on mine. You clearly are a dedicated poet and a true lover of language and of the art and craft that is poetry.

    This poetry we live for…
    this poetry we weep for…
    this poetry we die for…
    this poetry we keep for


  35. you have a refreshing site filled with such a postitive message……luv it —

  36. Hi Jingle,

    Thanks for coming visiting my site and putting your kind words out there. You have a wonderful site yourself and aaahhh yes You’re talented.

    I shall keep coming to visit your site often. Take good care. God bless.

  37. Hi Jingle,

    I’m still here, alive and kicking. My works and projects are done now and I can finally continue blogging again. Thank you for your concern, I’m so touched by everyone’s comments and concern for me.
    I miss you all and yes, I’m back for REAL!!!

    Best regards,
    Jenny a.k.a. scentedsummer

  38. hey thanks so much for listing my blog here. i like some your writing. very fresh. i figured out the thursday thing and look forward to it. thanks again 🙂

  39. Working towards a better life is very admirable. I wish you luck! It is true, our similar interest bring us together. We feed of each other hopes and aspirations and grow stronger as a whole.

  40. Please rest and enjoy your life,
    do what you need to do for yourself.
    I miss you already 🙂
    You make many happy Jingle!
    Including me…
    Thank you so kindly for motivating and inspiring so many people!
    Peace and Joy to you,
    P.S. Come back soon 🙂

  41. Hi Jingle – Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words. I’ve been out of town for three weeks and am leaving again tomorrow for a few days…but when I return I look forward to reading more of your blog and other poets’!

    Have a wonderful evening…Sherry

  42. Hi,

    Thanks again for visiting my poetry site. I love your Poetry Thursday. A great use of this medium. And very encouraging. I will be diving into the pool at some point very soon. Bill

  43. Great site, Jingle!

    Wow, you have done some amazing work. your poetry is awesome and what impresses me even more is the way you have helped so many other writers!

  44. Jingle,
    I am honored to be included in the Poet’s Rally 24. However, I’m a little confused as to how to contribute my poetry, offer notifications and whose poetry to comment on. If you have time, please explain!

  45. Thank you for dropping by and leaving thought prints… Glad you enjoyed the stay. Thank you also for the invite, will be dropping in here.

  46. thanks for stopping by and appreciating my work…. i just started reading your blog.. you must be real talented I must say.. good luck… n loved your pen name “jingle”.

  47. hi
    Thanks for your visit.
    But I have to ask you something, you probably are going to think I’m an idiot but I don’t really understand the award-thing. And I’m so ashamed of it. Because it must be nice to get awards from other people. I hope you can explain it to me.


  48. You changed the theme… I always loved this one … I didnt put coz green is unlucky for me sometimes… i don’t have a green dress in fact( I dont wear if I had)….
    but I always loved it and every time I wish I could put it on…
    woww!!! 😉 😀

  49. Thank you so much for visiting my blog =)! Your poems are so inspiring 😀

    p.s. I love your header and the way you have organized your blog (themed on the days of the week)!

  50. Hii Jingle,
    Please do tell me when any contest stars…
    And I’ve added some new poems . do check them out

  51. Wow Jingle, you are my biggest fan… hey, you are my only fan 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my little corner of the blogging universe.

    Have a great day, and keep being artistic 😀

  52. You recently stopped by my blog and I finally made it over to check yours out…WOW! You’ve got a terrific set up. I love your inspirational/optimistic words and I have to say, your English (as a second language) is better than some people I know with English as their ONLY lanuguage 😉

  53. hey jingle!!! how are you? i got your invitation for the rally last week.. sorry i was not able to make it for the past few weeks… i’ve been too busy setting up the poetry website i have… i would loooooove to join next week’s rally, if you don’t mind… 🙂 i miss all of you guys! 🙂 im also thinking if i should just use my poetry site for the rally, or i should post it to my personal blog… hehehe…. hope you have a great day! hit me back if u have concerns… *wink*

  54. im soo glad you visited my blog and are considering to have me join the rally again… :D:D:D i am thinking that i should just join next week. i want to take some time visiting the poets that are active and getting to know new people and reading poetry…. 🙂 i already wrote a poem, but i’ll be posting it next week, when the rally starts… 🙂 for now, i’l be visiting the poets just to help out… 🙂

  55. I awaken in the middle of the night
    begin to wonder if I have it right.
    Is Ji a he or is Ji a she?
    And does Ji live anywhere near me?

    You don’t have to answer. This really happened and it came out in rhymes. :0)

  56. Hi! I wanted to stop by and let you know that I appreciate all the work you do to bring online poets together. You mentioned my blog a couple months ago in the Thurs rally and I received so much traffic, plus I received some lovely awards from you. I’m really sorry that I don’t always have the time to dedicate toward supporting your efforts. I really wish I did. You’re a great poet and networker. I don’t want you to think I’ve ignored your posts on my own blog so I wanted to drop this note to you. Take care – Alejandra (http://www.redpetals04.wordpress.com/)

  57. thanks for the link

    how do i ‘network’, is this networking

    never really occurred to me to ever tell anyone about my work ever

  58. Hey Ji,
    Thank you for participating in “How will you react?”…It wouldn’t have been a party without you…I appreciate your support and look forward to it as we make this event grow…Cheers!

  59. “My purpose is not to showcase the downside of everyday living, but to take efforts in figuring out how we can have a better life than what we have now…”

    Hi Jingle,
    I love the positive energy of your blog; I shall visit often and I am sure I will enjoy my time here.
    All the best.

  60. “My purpose is not to showcase the downside of everyday living, but to take efforts in figuring out how we can have a better life than what we have now…”

    Hi Jingle,
    I love the positive energy of your blog; I shall visit often and I am sure I will enjoy my time here. Thanks for sharing.
    All the best.

  61. I appreciate all your comments on my poems! Thank you very much! Can you please help me with how to enter this poetry contest you sent me the link about it?!? I’ve read it all but I couldn’t find where to post my poem? 🙂 Sorry for the silly questions! Thanks!

  62. hey… will you give me a ring sometime if i give you my number. or text me. i need a better friend than what i have. someone that writes like me… i want to try to bounce different ideas off of you with my writing. if you want to any way… reply by posting on my ‘about me’ please…

    1. sorry,

      I have my hands full,
      no time for individual or personal communication,
      I only blog, comment, attend writing communities…

      find someone who is available and best wishes.

  63. Dear Ji, the world needs leaders who are willing to bring people together in a positive way. You are one of those leaders. Thank you. Peace and Love, Sharie

  64. I admire anyone who has the ability to pull folks together via writing … it’s a good cause … bring the world to your computer screen is a wonder I shall never cease to be amaze with. Thank you for inviting me.

  65. Useful information shared..I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us nice info.Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this post

  66. Finally, an issue that I am passionate about. I’ve appeared for info of this caliber for the final several hours. Your website is significantly appreciated.

  67. hey Ji 🙂 happy new year dear friend!!!! 🙂
    i dropped by only for a minute (i know my presence here was very volatile lately – promise to fix that soon, but right now i’m caught with some personal problems…) to say HI, to wish you all the best in the world, to ask you the favor of saying a happy new year to all the wonderful poets you have in your lists, and to suggest you a VERY fresh new blog. the owner’s name is Yelena, she barely posted her first poem there, but i know most of her works from another website, and she is GREAT!! 🙂 so you may want to include her in your poetic activity and surveillance ;). the link of the blog is http://moonlitpoetic.wordpress.com/
    ((((((((((((((((hugs for a very dear friend)))))))))))))))

  68. Hey! Thanks for “liking” my poem, The Script. I’ve recently started my blog and look forward to making many new friends. I enjoy your work and especially the easy access you’ve designed into the header of your home page. Who knows, maybe I’ll learn how to do that as well. Mocha

  69. Fantastic post. Becoming a new-found blogger We are learning a lot as a result of these sorts of blogposts continue the nice hard work.

  70. Surfing the waves of the web I am pleasantly stranded in this beautiful blog.

    I write under the pseudonym of Josè Pascal (a descendant of the great Colonel Aureliano Buendía).

    I invite you to visit my italian writing blog parolesemplici.wordpress.com. I define this blog “In parole Semplici” as a “virtuacultural tin” box where they are guarded thoughts, memories, images, sounds, and simple stories. ”

    If you want to participate and to have more informations send me a letter to inparolesempli@gmail.com

    Good life and I hope to soon

  71. It is always more easy for some people to engage in creative thinking than some others but you can show yourself the way to be a progressive thinker. You might think you’re not at all an innovative person, but which is not correct. We all have creative imagination in us somewhere; it is exactly what makes us human.

  72. I like how you manage to communicate your opinion effectively while keeping the content simple to understand for anyone regardless of his knowledge on the subject.

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  75. Hey Ji,

    It’s been a mighty long time since I’ve been on here and I feel very much out of the loop. I’m going to get things back together though. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I look forward to getting back in the swing of things with you and the other writers. Until then…be well.


  76. Hey would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with? I’m going to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a difficult time making a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique. P.S Sorry for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

  77. Have you ever thought about writing an ebook or guest authoring on other websites? I have a blog centered on the same topics you discuss and would love to have you share some stories/information. I know my subscribers would appreciate your work. If you’re even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an e mail.

  78. My partner and I stumbled over here from a different page and thought I might as well check things out. I like what I see so i am just following you. Look forward to checking out your web page yet again.

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  80. I love what you guys are usually up too. This kind of clever work and coverage! Keep up the good works guys I’ve included you guys to my personal blogroll.

  81. I read your milieu commonly and I ethical thought I’d announce ‘ keep up the good work!

  82. Thanks for the comment on my poem, the kind words are much appreciated. I’m looking forward to reading your poems as well. Looking in to the Thursday poetry thing too, sound like a great way to people reading and talking about poetry. Just out of curiosity, how did you find out about my website?

  83. Greetings Jingle,
    I guess this will be a first introduction. I often see the name Jingle attached to comments as I read other blogs. I often see the name Jingle attached to badges announcing Jingle Poetry and see the name Jingle listed on blogrolls.
    Please pardon my rattling on, but I’m a curious soul and wanted to say Hello before I do some reading and commenting on your blog.
    I mostly write my own personal Huck Finn type memories and dabble with poetry. (although ~oddly~ I post my poetry on other blogs and not my own) I’m very much the beginner with writing anything, but so far WordPress folks seem to greatly approve.
    Thanks for providing the space for my rambling on…….Best Regards! 🙂

  84. With all the doggone snow we have gotten recently I am stuck indoors, fortunately there is the internet, thanks for giving me something to do. 🙂

  85. I take to coming chasing everyday to brood over your thoughts. I attired in b be committed to your attendant bookmarked on my daily announce list!

  86. Hi Jingle, just to let you know, I’ve put a link to your blog on my page called “My Blogging Friends” 😀

    Hope you’re having a good weekend,
    Chloe xx

  87. I just want to tell you that I am just all new to blogs and honestly enjoyed this web page. Likely I’m likely to bookmark your site . You surely have superb well written articles. Many thanks for sharing with us your webpage.

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  89. You got a really amazingblog I have been here reading for about half an hour. I am a newbie and your post is valuable for me. 🙂
    🙂 xxx

  90. Hi Ji
    I just wanted to come over and say thank you.I have written rhymes since I was a child, silly little on the moment ditties really,often nonsensical. One grows up and life intervenes and we find less and less time to do these spurious things that make us happy even if we’re no good at them.

    Its only after you started regularly visiting my blog and encouraging (dare I say pestering!) me to join the poetry competitions,that I seriously began writing.I’ve since seen a steady increase in both quality and output of my poems:things come to me in the middle of the night now,and I think “oh!must write that down!” and reach for the pad by the bedside.Before I’d have just turned over and let it be lost in the world of sleep. So thank you,because you have opened my mine and let my creative juices flow,I appreciate it more than you can know!

  91. We are a small grouping of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your web site provided us with valuable information to work on. You have done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you.

  92. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it is rare to see a nice blog like this one nowadays..

  93. Wow, amazing blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your web site is wonderful, as well as the content!

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  95. Thank you for another great article. Where else could anybody get that type of information in such a perfect way of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I’m on the look for such information.

  96. hi ji! its such a beautiful site and wow am i in awe! i like you to know that i appreciate your presence while i was in sabbatical and there is no way i could get the message across till now and tq for the access. keep in touch! i did a little revamp on my site but none as beautiful as this is 🙂

  97. About ME | Jingle I was suggested this website by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my problem. You are incredible! Thanks! your article about About ME | JingleBest Regards Veronica

  98. Hello there,

    You write wonderful poetry up here. Well done! Keep penning and keep inspiring. You’ll do wonders one day, I am sure! 🙂

    And please take a look at my blog; I write poetry too. Some poems that may be of interest to you: “Love is a Heart Throbbing Joyride”, “My Greetings to You”, “Your Heart is My Favorite Playground”. Thank you and have a lovely day my friend! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  99. I have been looking for you for awhile…..what happened to everything? send me an email when the next rally is in store as well as the next pot luck if you have the time to do so. would like to get back in the swing of things if i could. anyway take care hope all is well and please do continue doing all that you do. ttfn

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  102. Aya, this morning I read your poem, and its beauty reminded me of what I write for my wife, and what i write for the Lord. You words were beautifully crafted and such a pure delight to read. Then as I clicked on I saw that you had read several of my poems and you touched me my sister. It was a blessing that lifted me…I have spent the last 4 days in pain because of a neck injury that i suffered in the Air Force some time ago, I moved the wrong way I think, and yet this morning like a healing tonic your self-less words made me forget the pain. Your poem is truly beautiful and a timeless piece. You share because of your self-less spirit, and I do the same but you do touch many who follow you, as your words made the morning better, thanks for reading my poems and thank you also for sharing yours! God bless you and your husband and family!!!!

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  108. It’s nice to see you are carrying on for Jingle. I miss her. Were it not for her invitation, I don’t think I would have realized the possibilities available to poets in the world of blogging.

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