Alphabe-Thursday-Creative Thoughts in Magpie

Tornado comes down

and floods the town,

Where is the clown

who can sugarcoat this place from turning brown?


Creative thoughts,

Nature’s sports,

Where is the soldiers who can clear the road

so that fewer cars get into accident and wait to be towed?


Summer at last,

Spring is the past,

Where is the muses

Poets/Writers uses?


How waves hit home,

and inspire me to write a poem,

As the sky goes wan and the story is told,

Sunset dripping, a pot of gold.

Alphabe-Thursday  ( Creative Thoughts)

Magpie Tales

25 thoughts on “Alphabe-Thursday-Creative Thoughts in Magpie

  1. Sometimes I wonder what needs to happen in the world so that we all feel the rainbows again. So much sadness and worry and tragedy after tragedy.

    Your creative writing has given me a lot of ponder.

    Thank you for linking.


  2. Love the rhymes jingle, good to see. and i am glad to be back in the group again.

  3. For instance when you write creative prose you always try to put your own new ideas thoughts and expressions into your writing do you not?Peter I do and I must confess that sometimes I abscond with a few of your thoughts and ideas too Paul. The only difference is that your thoughts go into prose and mine tend to be bounced around in my love poetry.

  4. Isn’t this the truth now. Rain so wonderful and needed in the right amount. Too much and we’re in trouble. Your poem reflect all the news reports.

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