You Live, You Dream

You live, You dream,

You laugh, You Scream.

Everyone dreams of one’s need,

Everyone fears of one’s greed.

All our sorrows and tears

Help us grow stronger over the years.

Beyond that, you can see,

Women dream whatever she be,

And her dreams no one knows,

Dreams that rails on her foes.

All the praises she receives

Will be written in wind, and leaves.

I dream and I am bond with chains,

And I dream that all the pains

Help me learn

And win.

What is life?

A roller coaster ride

That could go extreme.

How to survive?

Hold your steering wheels tight

And do an excellent drive,

No blame game!

This piece is submitted to Monday Poetry Train 89

32 thoughts on “You Live, You Dream

  1. Jingle, you have a special talent for writing a poem as if it were simply an interesting conversation, chair-to-chair, with some coffee, of course! And we are talking about “stuff”…and it becomes your poem for today. I LOVE simplicity, straightforward no-blame-game friendliness.

    I keep up with you–and yours, although I just cannot do requirements. I can only write a poem if it comes forth without effort–and that does not happen every day. All good things take EFFORT, time, and often some pain……

  2. I love the message in this piece, Jingle, that you are the driver and it’s up to you to be the best you can be! In wind and leaves with glue to stick to you, I say,Well done! Heartspell

  3. Ah.. very well said, Ji !! A refreshing and smile-popping poem…
    “And her dreams no one knows,
    Dreams that rails on her foes.
    All the praises she receives
    Will be written in wind, and leaves.”
    I totally LOVED these lines… they are SO TRUE!!! 🙂 So.. long live dreams, you and the double life we live! Gee…. we must consider ourselves really lucky for being able to dream (at least the good dreams) 🙂
    Love and hugs…

  4. I just love how you take us on the “dream drive” Ji…We all have those dreams and no one knows our heart…but here we can just let go and be free. So well written and I loved it! Hugs ~ Amanda xx

  5. A pink poem! I love this! Especially since the subject matter is somehow serious… dressing up pain in powder puffs, how cool is that? 😉

  6. “What is life? A roller coaster ride”
    A roller coaster ride indeed- we live, we learn, we dream, we love…
    Lovely poem Jingle 🙂

  7. So much truth and wisdom written into this beautiful poem Jingle. I couldn’t sleep so am popping in to say hello to as many of my friends as I have time for.

  8. “What is life?

    A roller coaster ride

    That could go extreme.

    How to survive?

    Hold your steering wheels tight

    And do an excellent drive,

    No blame game!”

    This part is the best Poetry I’ve read this week. I love the lesson.

  9. I agree on no blame.

    Just acceptance of what is. And changing what we can. Of great loving power within all of us.

    And of Jingle being one very very special woman!

    I look forward to putting in a poem for the rally next Thursday. And to visiting many friends. And to seeing you soon, you little butterfly of sunshine!


  10. Really excellent, Jingle, and I like the fact you point that we are at the steering wheel. We drive our destiny everyday. So dream beautiful, and dream a perfect dream of love, joy and peace.

    All three I wish for thee,

  11. I love dreams, this is very nice. You are such a good poet. I think the world of you. Bravo!!! I am visiting so many great poets, this gets better every week. Where did they all come from? I mean I had no idea that there were so many great poets out here. I hope you can keep bringing them together. Even if I get confused or insecure about entering sometimes I will always be here reading and loving everyone!!!!!Keep it up I love your poetry. your friend alan
    your friend, alan

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